2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Thanks I didn’t know that.

You’re in luck:


Middle aged white people becoming hysterical about fuck all, yet again.

When the company announced it was closing five stores in San Francisco due to rampant theft, police data obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle revealed that “the five stores slated to close had fewer than two recorded shoplifting incidents a month on average since 2018.” Moreover, the company’s claims that thefts at its San Francisco stores were four times its national average were not reflected in citywide crime data — in 2020, shoplifting had reached its lowest level since they began collecting data in the 1970s.


Is it normal to treat thefts of less than 900 bucks a felony? That seems absurd.

If you want to be “tough on crime” it is

Reportedly San Francisco hasn’t been arresting or prosecuting shoplifters for a while now.

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Doordashing, I’ll often bring a cup into Casey’s, McDonald’s, taco bell, etc and get free refills

lol only once an old man in McDonald’s said something, and I replied I earned it os


Dang I remember how big that Tylenol thing was. I lived in chicago as a kid when it happened and Tylenol was a staple. It was a huge deal.

Didn’t know they always assumed this guy did it, but sounds like he definitely did it.

Letourneau, Maher said, “is in jail because she’s in love. That’s how I view it.”

I admit it’s unorthodox” Maher continued, “She’s 35, the boy is 14. He was younger when they started. But she is pregnant again. … This is the second child by this boy. They are keeping the mother in jail because she won’t conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family.”

When one of his panelists suggests Letourneau raped the boy, Maher shot back, “Raped? Come on. … How do you know, and how can you? How can a woman rape a man?”

This is the blowtorch shoplift tiktok


Can you share where this reporting comes from?

I just got back from a trip to San Francisco, where I visited many notorious locations, including Walgreens, Nordstrom, and the Westview city center. Surprisingly not a hellscape, but instead a place I would choose to live over 99% of the rest of the country.


Congrats on making it out of the DEMOCRAT RUN HELLHOLE alive.


Dude harassed a woman online, she figured out who he was, and let everyone know.



FAFO: doxxing edition

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The same arguments being made today by suburban parents distraught their grade-school age children are being feted by trans advocacy.

Wait, youre still alive? Ive been assured thats impossible

Yeah ok, I figured his take would be something like this. Fucking scumbag



Holy shit, shes really good at this.
