2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Fucking hell

she’s 14


Might have been the same marines that were hitting on underage girls and got the shit beat out of them for it on Ocean Beach. Naturally the pedophile marines getting beat up by black and brown kids became a cause in the derp-o-sphere.

Yeah, that was more or less all it took. I’d feel worse about if it happened to someone else. And I don’t even hate Maher as much most here.

That was one of the more hilarious cancellations of the insane post-9/11 period. The requirement that everyone had to sing from the same hymn sheet was so intense that you weren’t even allowed to make the obvious observation that people sacrificing their lives for a cause, whatever else they are, can’t really be “cowardly”.

“Bravery”, conversely, was of course defined as sending a bunch of minimum-wage teenagers to the Middle East and watching them get blown up by IEDs on CNN.


I remember that unfolding in real time thinking, “Wait, that’s a hot take?”. Apparently it was nuclear.

0 CVSs will close their doors because of shoplifting. If they are closing stores in any specofoc neighborhood its because they no longer see a need (people spending money) to serve that neighborhood.


You don’t think there could ever be a tipping point where people are just walking in with blow torches and cleaning out the shelves that CVS decides to throw in the towel?

Shrink is baked into the budget in any retail operation. I would assume CVS or any other retailer would invest in security guards and other deterrants in locations with higher amounts of theft. But sure, in the hellscape you describe where too many people are coming in with blowtorches, yeah, a company may decide it’s better to close up shop. As someone else said, no employee should ever place themselves in harm’s way to protect company assets and most companies have policies expressly forbidding it because of liability issues.

At least this was only “abstract” cancelation…in France, after the Paris attacks in 2016, someone actually got a prison sentence for the exact same offense (acknowledging that terrorists willing to die for their cause are “courageous” in an interview).
(The guy was a former 80s left-wing terrorist, who just got out of prison, this probably didn’t help his case…). That was pretty outrageous (he lost all his appeals in France but the sentence was recently overturned by a European court).

I’m responding to something Marksmann saw on video. I’m not making it up.

I’m not arguing that the employee should have done something. I am arguing that a policy of refusing to prosecute anyone for shoplifting could eventually lead to an unsustainable situation, which will only hurt the working class people who live in the neighborhood. This stuff doesn’t happen in Marin County. If it did something would have been done to put a stop to it a long time ago.

After 9/11 Bush’s approval rating shot to something like 90%. Americans watching planes fly into the WTC on a constant loop for months were worked up into a frenzy. The only acceptable take was that the TERRORISTS were evil cowards and we were gonna go over there and WIN.

he’s always been bad, 100% bog standard establishment tool advocating for the status quo on everything except weed. that was enough to fool a lot of people for a long time.

ah yes the CVS shoplifting hand-wringers. Suzzer’s transformation into a boomer is nearly complete.


Don’t be mean to him or he’ll have to become a Trump supporter.

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I just didnt think he would be open throating literal pedophilia. But I guess that apple never falls far from the liberitarian tree

Ya know, didnt take me long but im starting to think he was probably one of those morons who supported Mary Kay Latourneau and said shit like “If MY teacher wanted to fuck me when I was 12, I would have been the happiest boy alive” or something else equally stupid.

It waa just very jarring to hear him say ,“If youre sixteen and David Bowie wants to fuck you, thats way better than having your first time be with someone your own age.”

Like, fucking ew.

I expected Maher to get #metoo’d. Have heard whispers about him for a long time and he was a Playboy mansion guy.

Ok but that was one guy. So are you asking if one blowtorch shoplifting incident is enough for CVS to throw in the towel?

Also, I wasn’t aware they had a policy in place not to prosecute shoplifters.

Hes talking about California. They made shoplifting of less than $900 a misdemeanor instead of a felony. They still attempt to prosecute if its over that amount or if they catch the person.