2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



Just not what the piece is saying:

Iā€™ll admit thatā€™s all pretty speculative, but I think itā€™s right ā€” that the political skew to the increase in depression doesnā€™t reflect some objective fact about the direction of political change, but rather the fact that the people who run progressive institutions have cultivated this depressive mindset.

And not only on interpersonal issues. Thereā€™s a sense that the way to show youā€™re truly outraged about police misconduct is to proclaim police reform to be a hopeless failure. Or that the way to show youā€™re truly committed to decarbonization is to ignore good news about climate change. And almost nobody seems to want to talk about how Obama-era tax and spending policies plus the strong Biden labor market have partially reversed the rise in inequality that mostly occurred way back in the 1980s and 1990s.

What I find remarkable about this is that if you look at the people whoā€™ve led effective movements for social change, they never come close to cultivating this kind of doomer mindset.

Whether youā€™re talking about ā€œsĆ­ se puede,ā€ ā€œthere is power in a union,ā€ ā€œthe people united will never be defeatedā€ or anything else, sloganeers present an exaggerated sense of optimism just the way good coaches do. Good math teachers and good personal trainers are the same ā€” they express confidence that you are capable of more than you think to try to motivate you to do as well as you really can. Martin Luther King said ā€œI may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So Iā€™m happy, tonight. Iā€™m not worried about anything. Iā€™m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.ā€ And with that last line heā€™s quoting an inspirational song from a century earlier, aiming to inspire soldiers to fight for freedom with the confidence that God himself is on their side

Does anyone here have/use a 3D printer? Are there many practical applications, or is it more of a cool toy?

Thereā€™s tons of real world practical applications, but for you it would just be a toy if you donā€™t already know what youā€™d use it for. Great for prototyping/small batch production/custom one-offs.

I feel like Iā€™m very often a victim of, ā€œThis thing sounds really cool. Iā€™m sure if I bought it, Iā€™d find a use for it, even if I canā€™t clearly articulate one right now.ā€

With the possible exception of Tivo like 20 years ago, that decision-making process has never worked out for meā€“I end up buying an air fryer or an instant pot or some random tool and effectively never use them.

But I agree with you that a 3D printer seems super cool, and Iā€™m confident that I should buy one because thereā€™s got to be a million uses for it that Iā€™m just not thinking of. It will be different this time, I know it.


I bet parts of that sub were made on a 3d printer.

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Got a friend moving to the Vegas area, looking for some help from the locals here. Got one kid in high school, trying to decide between GVR area in Henderson or Red Rock area in Summerlin.

Ive heard Summerlin is cooler in both summer and winter, but how much cooler are we talking? They seem to be pretty equidistant from the strip, is traffic worse for one of those commutes? They will be working from home, so work commute isnt a big deal. He isnt a huge gambler, plays poker from time to time. For someone like that is Red Rock or GVR a better home base?

Implosion tests on miniature submarines 3D printed with titanium. Only the 3rd try resulted in an implosion (6:30).


People make guns with them.

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Computer! Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.


So can you have an anonymous account on Threads, or is it going to auto link to your existing Facebook or Instagram account?

Cause I really want the freedom to post unadulterated takes that I wonā€™t be associated with.

Pretty easy to make a burner insta. Or, as I believe the kids call it, a ā€œfinstaā€.

Why hasnā€™t smash and grab car theft spread to other cities from San Fran? Apparently the donut patrol catches basically no one so itā€™s the perfect crime.

Itā€™s back to leaving your car windows open from what I can tell out here.

My friends uses one for work.

He sells office design work. So he 3D prints parts of the designs like an entry or stair case as part of the pitch.

It has. My friend lives in D.C. and was a victim twice within a few weeks some years ago. Second time he didnā€™t have anything in the car.

Seems to be pretty popular in Minneapolis, at least in the area I work in. Our parking lot gets hit pretty regularly. I never keep anything visible in my car and itā€™s been quite a few years since someone broke my window.

Probably jinxed myself here

only way to shut that shit down is cracking down on it which means you need the poā€¦ aw shit

The Chamber of Commerce is suing the SEC by saying, on 1st Amendment grounds, that they canā€™t compel speech:

the SECā€™s ā€œmandatory disclosure requirements not only risk the public airing of important managerial decisions but also compel speech in violation of the First Amendment.ā€

Like, they want the SEC to not be able to compel disclosure, which is the cornerstone of federal securities laws. In this case, itā€™s specifically citing the recent stock buyback rule, which requires firms to disclose the rationale behind their buybacks. If this is somehow successful, though, Iā€™m not sure what would protect the SECā€™s ability to continue requiring a Management Discussion & Analysis in firmsā€™ quarterly and annual filings under the same theory.

At least the lawsuit is in the 5th Circuit, which is known for its cautious, sober judgments.

I have two. Theyā€™re pretty cool if you have a decent printer and a regular use case. For example, I keep one in my clinical office and itā€™s awesome because I can print custom trophies and reinforcers when kids practice skills or accomplish therapy goals. My home printer is an Ender 3 and requires enough correction/maintenance that Iā€™m kind of dissuaded from using it consistently. Generally Iā€™d say get one if you have at least a few ideas how youā€™ll use it. But I wouldnā€™t recommend buying one of the cheap diy-esque models unless youā€™re ready for some additional hassle dealing with leveling/jams/etc.

I havenā€™t tried a resin printer, but Iā€™d seriously consider that side of things if I was buying new. More cleanup, but higher detail and greater speed.

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