2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Just got hit with the penis detector bot on Reddit lol. Which means I’ve posted five consecutive words that complete that acronym


The official website of the service informs users about the shutdown. There, the company writes: “The Gfycat service is being discontinued. Please save or delete your Gfycat content by visiting https://www.gfycat.com and logging in to your account. After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted from gfycat.com

Sure seems like the entire Internet is committing slow suicide.

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Not that impressive. Was more blown away when it happened at the end of stranger things s2

The New Yorker has an article on the sub

He was disturbed by what he saw. “Everyone was drinking Kool-Aid and saying how cool they were with a Sony PlayStation,” he told me. “And I said at the time, ‘Does Sony know that it’s been used for this application? Because, you know, this is not what it was designed for.’ And now you have the hand controller talking to a Wi-Fi unit, which is talking to a black box, which is talking to the sub’s thrusters. There were multiple points of failure.” The system ran on Bluetooth, according to Rush. But, McCallum continued, “every sub in the world has hardwired controls for a reason—that if the signal drops out, you’re not fucked.”

That marked the end of McCallum’s desire to be associated with the project. “The minute that I found out that he was not going to class the vehicle, that’s when I said, ‘I’m sorry, I just can’t be involved,’ ” he told me. “I couldn’t tell him anything about the Five Deeps project at that time. But I was able to say, ‘Look, I am involved with other projects that are building classed subs’—of course, I was talking about the Limiting Factor—‘and I can tell you that the class society has been nothing but supportive. They are actually part of our innovation process. We’re using the brainpower of their engineers to feed into our design.

“Stockton didn’t like that,” McCallum continued. “He didn’t like to be told that he was on the fringe.” As word got out that Rush planned to take tourists to the Titanic, McCallum recalled, “people would ring me, and say, ‘We’ve always wanted to go to Titanic. What do you think?’ And I would tell them, ‘Never get in an unclassed sub. I wouldn’t do it, and you shouldn’t, either.’ ”

And the weight of titanium limits the practical size of the pressure hull, so that it can accommodate no more than two or three people. Spheres are “the best geometry for pressure, but not for occupation,” as Rush put it.

A month later, OceanGate hired a company called Spencer Composites to build the carbon-fibre hull. “They basically said, ‘This is the pressure we have to meet, this is the factor of safety, this is the basic envelope. Go design and build it,’ ” the founder, Brian Spencer, told CompositesWorld , in the spring of 2017. He was given a deadline of six weeks.

On January 18, 2018, Lochridge studied each major component, and found several critical aspects to be defective or unproven. He drafted a detailed report, which has not previously been made public, and attached photographs of the elements of greatest concern. Glue was coming away from the seams of ballast bags, and mounting bolts threatened to rupture them; both sealing faces had errant plunge holes and O-ring grooves that deviated from standard design parameters. The exostructure and electrical pods used different metals, which could result in galvanic corrosion when exposed to seawater. The thruster cables posed “snagging hazards”; the iridium satellite beacon, to transmit the submersible’s position after surfacing, was attached with zip ties. The flooring was highly flammable; the interior vinyl wrapping emitted “highly toxic gasses upon ignition.”

For the next two hours, the OceanGate leadership insisted that no hull testing was necessary—an acoustic monitoring system, to detect fraying fibres, would serve in its place. According to the company, the system would alert the pilot to the possibility of catastrophic failure “with enough time to arrest the descent and safely return to surface.” But, in a court filing, Lochridge’s lawyer wrote, “this type of acoustic analysis would only show when a component is about to fail—often milliseconds before an implosion—and would not detect any existing flaws prior to putting pressure onto the hull.” A former senior employee who was present at the meeting told me, “We didn’t even have a baseline. We didn’t know what it would sound like if something went wrong.”

Soon afterward, Rush asked OceanGate’s director of finance and administration whether she’d like to take over as chief submersible pilot. “It freaked me out that he would want me to be head pilot, since my background is in accounting,” she told me. She added that several of the engineers were in their late teens and early twenties, and were at one point being paid fifteen dollars an hour.

Stockton strategically structured everything to be out of U.S. jurisdiction” for its Titanic pursuits, the former senior OceanGate employee told me. “It was deliberate.” In a legal filing, the company reported that the submersible was “being developed and assembled in Washington, but will be owned by a Bahamian entity, will be registered in the Bahamas and will operate exclusively outside the territorial waters of the United States.” Although it is illegal to transport passengers in an unclassed, experimental submersible, “under U.S. regulations, you can kill crew,” McCallum told me. “You do get in a little bit of trouble, in the eyes of the law. But, if you kill a passenger, you’re in big trouble. And so everyone was classified as a ‘mission specialist.’ There were no passengers—the word ‘passenger’ was never used.” No one bought tickets; they contributed an amount of money set by Rush to one of OceanGate’s entities, to fund their own missions.

Meanwhile, soon after Lochridge’s departure, a college newspaper quoted a recent graduate as saying that he and his classmates had started working on the Titan’s electrical systems as interns, while they were still in school. “The whole electrical system,” he said. “That was our design, we implemented it, and it works.”


Move fast and break things.

More sub stuff.

Another person (in addition to J. Cameron) is saying they had aborted the dive and were trying to surface at the time of the implosion: Ex-OceanGate Advisor: Titanic Sub Tried to Surface Before Imploding This doesn’t say exactly how they know.

The video below shows some tests with a crude analog to the submersible. I think it gives you a decent idea of how it would have failed. It takes roughly 10 frames at 5000 fps to collapse, so ~2 ms, which is about 5x what the bubble collapse model would predict for this small vessel at the pressure they reached. That seems like pretty good agreement, considering the hull offers some resistance. If you want to skip the setup, the implosion is at about 5:00 of the video, first in slow motion then frame by frame.

They had some issues trying to show how cycling the pressure would weaken the material, but that kind of thing seems like par for the course to me.

Late to this convo but just found out about it and I do not know if people look at the sports lc thread so whatever here. Geraldo also got got

It was not that long ago that everyone who was a sports fan watched SportsCenter if they watched nothing else on ESPN, because they could get an update on how their team(s) did that day, every day, if they couldn’t watch the match, no matter the sport. Now it is all opinion bullshit and GIVE ME YOUR REACTION ON MY TWATTER and, worse, they get all butthurt when like appletv gets the MLS contract and just refuse to even acknowledge its existence and stuff like that. It has gotten noticeably worse since they ran John Skipper off, but frankly it has not really been good since Disney acquired it. I don’t know how they can lose money with all they college and pro football eyes but somehow…stupid…just…finds a way.


I remember when I always had sportscenter on to get scores and highlights.

haven’t watched in years, as you said we don’t need sportscenter to find out sports results or highlights anymore.


Is this week a must win for Dallas?

What will a win this week mean for Aaron Rodgers legacy?

Who will Odell sign with?

Is Baker Mayfield the answer?

Is KD a top 10 player?

They probably use an AI bot to come up with what they will talk about. It’s a version of these topics with people arguing about it over and over again.


fully 2/3 of the financial articles I read online now are fairly obviously written by AI bots, I see no reason why they can’t do the same for sports



There aren’t any engineers in their late teens. That’s not a thing.

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Maybe they were Petroleum Distribution Engineers.




uh ok trotsky, maybe in your distopian overregulated nightmare state, but this is out in libertarian paradise of international waters


The invisible gorilla has released a statement (also as an article)

90% of people think they see it.

70% of people never see it at all.

Which one are you?

Great yet sad article. I once rode Greyhound from FL to CA. Never ever again. I cannot fathom 150k miles on that thing


Good discussion by Yglesias on liberalism and depression. Liberals need to accept some wins and not make catastrophization into a way of life.


Yggy telling liberals to settle down and not to push too hard? Sure, Jan.