2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Thanks. I have the budget for a pretty high-end rig, but am short on a regular use case. For a couple of days I’ve been trying to look for times where I’d use it and I’m mostly seeing places where I’d put little hooks/organizers around the house. Which doesn’t seem like a good enough excuse.

When I downloaded the app, it automatically asked if I wanted to import everything from my IG account. I said yes but, I assume if you say no, it will let you set up an entirely new account with a new name and profile and pic, etc.

Canon and HP and the 25 pages per ink cartridge I get out of them if I’m lucky have forever instilled pure blinding hatred in me against all printers. I’d rather bring a haunted idol into my house than a new printer.

Further confirmation that we are on the road to hell.

AV Club, Gizmodo, Takeout, and Deadspin have begun testing on AI-generated content.

I used to really enjoy reading AV Club content and posting on Deadspin. This is all so depressing.

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Depressing news, but I do kinda want to tip my hat to Merrill who apparently picked this week to be out of office.


Man I haven’t visited any of those sites in a long time but I used to really enjoy them. RIP

they had their time but yes they died a long long time ago.

Really though, just hire the onion writers, most couldn’t tell the difference these days.

I was just about to say that I thought Deadspin was like actually dead already?

They died twice, once like five or six years ago because they made a psycho billionaire mad and he secretly supported the Hulk Hogan lawsuit with like millions of dollars in legal fees just for spite. Then like a year ago after they relaunched a couple of years back. That guy with the CIA front business? Palantir, Peter Thiel.

OK after typing all that out I realize that was about Gawker. Didn’t Gawker own Deadspin? I don’t know.

Now that you mention it, I can recall seeing Gawker content since Thiel’s campaign against it, so I assume someone must have purchased it? The site is still online.

IIRC, Gawker got shut down. Deadspin and some of the other sites were spun-off (bought by somebody I think?). And then at some point after that, they abruptly fired a bunch of people and the conventional wisdom was “fuck Deadspin, don’t read it”. Then I feel like in the last few years it started to creep back as people forgot about the firings.

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Yeah Gawker relaunched like two years ago after being dead for four or five years. But their old articles never went away afaik, like this classic is still up and it was from before their original death:

All the comments are nuked which is sad as that was the best part of the articles.

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your team sucks

Drew Magary still writes that for Defector, a site a bunch of the old Deadspin/Gawker writers started.

I currently work for the Acting Governor of California, and she’s amazing. Doesn’t have to be flashy or showy, just gets shit done.

Of course, the first question she gets asks is the one we all get asked at every public event/meeting we go to…sigh

no I don’t know the answer, that’s way above my pay grade!


I think my local library let’s you book time on their 3d printers.

You might look for something like that rather than getting your own.

One thing I’ve enjoyed about this job for the pure entertainment factor is getting to “know” the cranks who reply to every single social media post we out out on the pro Tem’s official account. Each platform has different ones (well, for the most part) and they are there like clockwork.

It’s almost comforting knowing there’s a little bit of consistency in the world, after all.

Oddly enough (or not, given recent events), the ones on Twitter are the right wing homophobes, the ones on Facebook are the left-wingers angry that she endorsed one Democrat who used to be a republican over the progressive darling who didn’t even get past the primary, no matter that the progressive darling literally hates her and treats her like shit, and Instagram is where all the LGBT friends hang out and comment heart and star emojis on every single post.


Need a Threads account. Elon did me so dirty I’m all in for Zuck now.

we’re getting there. just had a meeting about it today. For someone in her position, It’s a little more complicated than just starting an account, and the state bureaucracy moves slow, lol

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Maybe I have too much Disney music on the brain but,

Skydiver making a social media post: