2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This guy’s got some ball.


I think they calculated the price at the height of covid. I built one recently and it was under a hundred

Was obviously a dumb decision and put everyone in danger. To be fair it was meant to be a relatively innocuous night dive where we descended to a plateau at about 25m, waggled our hands around and got treated to a bioluminescent fireworks display. Seems like that would be a cool thing to stare at on psychedelics, but it’s also good enough stone cold sober. Problem was our boat got the location wrong and dropped us near the edge of a shelf and the dive took on the shape of a mild but initially unnoticed drift dive (riding a current) which dragged us deeper. We had to fight against the current a bit and acid guy realised he was struggling in 30m of fearsome shadow surrounded by flashlights and freak fish. Dude just lost it. His buddy (also on acid) was surprisingly concern free but also nowhere near him.


Once we managed to drag his ass back to the boat he was a pitiful mess which meant he didn’t get his deserved pasting. We all then slept on it, took a vote on what to do (it was a liveaboard),headed back to Sharm-el-Sheikh and dumped them on the pier.


Yeah, this is exactly why it is so hilarious/ridiculous.

What’s the ‘East’? Is it NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania. If so, seems like Southeast would be a better descriptor.

Google did same in Australia but agreed to pay a few weeks later. They also pay news orgs in France.

guy on reddit: “ESPN and the Supreme Court are battling it out for the Friday before a holiday weekend news dump heavyweight championship.”



ESPN just laid off an assload of people. I don’t think they’ll be winning anything for a while.

Happy to see there was no forum drama while I was offline for a cross country flight


damn at how many people fired or they’re going to not renew later just to pay pat mcafee

it’s basically SAS, mcafee and greeny 90% of the time

Oh wow I thought Kolber would be there forever. Has to be almost 30 years right?

Didn’t realize ESPN was hurting financially. Figured they had a lock on the one entertainment thing people still watch live with TV ads and all.

27 years total. She joined in '93, but jumped ship to Fox Sports for a few years in the late '90’s. Definitely seemed like a lifer.

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Yeah thats a major shocker. She was a pioneer for female sportscasters. Hopefully she lands on her feet

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Welp it looks like Reddit has shut off access to third party apps, and Apollo is no longer loading content. Not sure how I’m going to replace that content—people here are going to need to step up their posting.


espn isn’t hurting financially but they are owned by disney who is cutting things everywhere


Cord cutting has killed them. They make most of their money from people who buy cable but don’t watch sports or ESPN. They were trying to create a streaming option but realized it was not tenable because it would be too expensive to attract an audience.

They are in real financial dire straits. They didn’t find a solution to a post cable world and it is slowly catching up to them as cable continues to bleed users.

I guess I keep hoping the NFL/NHL will finally bite the bullet and set up an a la carte streaming service that isn’t ludicrously expensive.

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I don’t think espn is in any trouble at all. Disney is cutting all sorts of things. Live sports continues to be incredibly profitable programming


mirror precisely what you’re trying to thwart oh geez