2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


I thought I was like 99th percentile “people are way too scared of acid trips” but this is hard for me to fathom

Were you an avid snorkeler already? Did you specifically choose to go where sharks are?

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I will say, I listen to a national public radio station called ABC Newsradio a bit and their news announcements during daylight saving are kind of funny. “It’s 5pm in the West, in South Australia it’s half past 7, it’s half past 6 in Darwin, it’s 7pm in Queensland, and in the East it’s 8 o’clock”.


Yeah I thought the same, there is no fucking way I am going snorkelling on acid.

This is apparently a ridiculous exaggeration. It’s more like 50 people.

A fun fact about Eucia is that it got its ass kicked by rabbits.

In the 1890s a rabbit plague passed through the area and ate much of the Delisser Sandhillsdune vegetation, thus destabilising the dune system and causing large sand drifts to encroach on the townsite. The original town was abandoned, and a new townsite established about 4 km to the north and higher up on the escarpment. The ruins of the original telegraph station which still stand amongst the dunes are a local tourist attraction.

My dude, what about other townships that follow the Eucla timezone, like Cocklebiddy, population 15? (Yes, this is a real place).

Edit: But OK, 200 may have been an overestimate. I started trying to add it up and did a double-take when I got to Madura, WA, population as of the last census: zero.

The nice thing about a fear of sharks is that it isn’t rational. So you don’t need the sharks to get the fear.

No, not an avid snorkeler or even a good swimmer, but I really enjoy being in the water. But that nagging “you might get eaten” just keeps getting in the way. I go swimming and always have, but there’s a barrier between me and fully enjoying the moment. So, I was trying to get past that.

When I say it worked … swimming around, looking at everything, I did reach a place of peace – not “I wont get eaten” but more like, “sharks aren’t monsters out to get me, this is simply their habitat.”

Anyway, yeah I mostly agree people are too afraid of psychedelic experiences but also realize most people are way more identified with the thoughts in their head and that’s the real safety catch.

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Also LOL:

In 1971, worldwide media publicity came to the town after reports (and indistinct photographs) emerged of a half-naked blonde girl who had gone wild and lived and ran with the kangaroos, who came to be known as the “Nullarbor Nymph”. The story subsequently turned out to be a hoax created by the residents of the tiny settlement.

I have never heard this before but it lends credence to my theory that residents of this area spend their spare time devising ways to troll outsiders.


Rundown of today’s big gravity wave announcement:



Never done LSD but for mushrooms a lot depends on the dose. 2 grams sure I’ll go snorkeling why not. 6 grams lol no.

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I snorkeled super fucking high on my post wedding holiday.

Friend offered me his vape pen. I took one big puff and held it.

Turns out it was some stupid 35% THC type shit.



I kept reading about how bad Fall Out Boy’s cover/adaptation of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” was, so I finally listened. Yikes.

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“I don’t dislike Fallout Boy that much, maybe it’ll be OK” hahahaha nah

Real End of History vibes with that one.

The original song sucked too.


I actually like Fall Out Boy in small doses, but that was HORRENDOUS.

Just name dropping, not in chronological order, and doesn’t even mention COVID once?

I only listened to 10 seconds, but this is unforgiveable.

You should really listen to the whole thing it gets pretty hilarious imo.

This guy’s got some balls.


One ball maybe

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