2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Guy got robbed of a hard drive. Offering 200k for it back. Goes hard at the thieves on tiktok.


Includes Chilean jewelry theft gang.

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Why on Earth are we wasting resources hauling this sub back up? does anyone care which part of this idiotā€™s sub failed first? Leave it down there for future billionaires to gawk at.


The news is out! The @NANOGrav pulsar timing array collaboration has detected a background of cosmic gravitational waves rippling through our Universe! Letā€™s talk about it!



Sunk cost, so to speak? Idk maybe learn something useful for future composite designs. Maybe space stuff.

ahahaha dudeā€™s hard AF :+1:t3:

ugh iā€™m gonna have to completely redesign my interstellar space ship now

Just learned about Australian time zones today. Is this not the most ridiculous shit ever?

The craziest thing is the half hour and fifteen min (?!?!) off time zones. But there is still much more to behold.



But then Iā€™m seeing posts like this:

And the article does say that in 1981, research showed that it would take an ungodly amount of soda per day to see carcinogenic effects.

Related: I actually opened a 12-pack of skunked Caffeine Free Coke Zero recently. That was a first.

Did everyone just skip over the story about deep scuba diving on acid?


That article makes it sound like this is nonsense. They put mobile phone use in the same category. Apparently the classification is meant to spur further research, rather than reflect solid evidence of harm.

Didnā€™t stop me from sending it to my wife, though, who is now freaking out. So the joke is on me.


I thought weve known about this for decades and the evidence was never very strong?

Even weirder, from what I hear the hands move counter-clockwise there.

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This air quality issue is astonishing. Swim meet canceled last night and it looks like the movie version of Mexico outside. Weā€™ve gone completely anti covid protocols here - my wife just told my son he could hang out with his friends but only if they stayed inside the whole time.


DIY air purifier

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As far as I know the Eucla time zone is not official. There are like 200 people live in that zone, just a few roadhouses and such in the middle of the Nullabor.

I live in the half hour adjustment zone, AMA

As a sports bettor, does this still piss you off daily or did you get used to it?

Is it fine or would you rather it be a whole hour

I think I paid less for both of my air filters?

Iā€™ve snorkeled on acid, trying to get over a fear of sharks. It kind of worked and was a pretty amazing experience all around. Not the same as deep sea diving tho, which feels like you could really fuck up and die. Only way I felt like I could die snorkeling on acid was if an actual shark does come along.

I will say though, even though I probably had nothing to fear ā€¦ TSA walked a drug dog by me on the final leg to Culebra and I was sweating pretty hard. Not sure those dogs are even trained for lsd tho, and if they are I doubt/wonder if such a small personal use quantity would get found.


Timezones are in general a pain in the ass but I donā€™t think the half hour thing makes a difference. My group has more people in Melbourne than Adelaide so we operate on Melbourne time.

Not sure. Like itā€™s a little bit of a pain because doing mental timezone math is that much harder. But I wouldnā€™t like it if sunset was at super weird times. I think I prefer it this way.

The Eucla timezone people I feel like are just trolling people because thereā€™s nothing else to do out there for entertainment.