2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

On one of our beach trips in the last few years, I remember a refrigerator magnet in the apartment that had warnings/instructions about rip currents. I was so paranoid about them, I was always trying to spot them to make sure my kids were safe. Never encountered one, fortunately.

Iā€™ve only had two real dodgy moments . Dodgiest was night diving when we got caught in a current driving us over a ledge and some tosser whoā€™d dropped acid started freaking out and dropped his weight belt about 35m down. We had to hold onto him or heā€™d pop to the surface like a cork. All the while weā€™re slowly getting pushed away from the boat and heā€™s kicking us in the head with his fins because we were monsters trying to eat him.

Other time Iā€™d be about 14 and a lady got into trouble in about 5 foot of water but was so beside herself she couldnā€™t put her feet down. She was getting carried out by what I can only presume was a rip current and I tried to help but had no clue what I was doing. She started thumping and scratching, tried to climb on top of me and all sorts. Eventually two blokes with a rope came and saved her while I swam back in with a bust nose and my dad gave me a bollocking.

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Thatā€™s what you are supposed to do. Let it pull you out, then swim parallel to the shore till you are away from the rip. Then you can swim in. If there are lifeguards, you could probably just wait, too, but Iā€™d recommend at least moving parallel away from the rip if you have the strength so itā€™s not as tough to get you back in.

These pictures linked in that CNN article a while back are pretty cool. You can actually see where the rip currents have pulled sand away from the beach. They look kinda small until you get a handle on scale. I think youā€™d have to let them pull you out, swim sideways until youā€™re in a calm spot behind a sandbar, and then swim back to the sandbar. Easier said than done obv.



Youtube suggested a video of Drake winning 6 million on online roulette, and I foolishly watched it so now this shit pops up everywhere.

I looked into it and hes got a deal with some online crypto casino (an incredibly scummy thing for influencers that appeal to kids to do, but thats an argument for a different time) for $100 mil a year.

I read somewhere he has wagered upwards of 2 billion since he signed on with them in December.

There is absolutely no way that is tenable. Dude is heading on a fast track to ruin. Roulette can wreck your shit at those stakes really quickly. Also hes supposedly a super shitty sports gambler.

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Who was the poker player that when ultimate bet opened up for blackjack and started a points race leaderboard and everyone found out he was wagering like 3x more than the second biggest whale, but he claimed that he was on the heater of a lifetime and up money or something wild. ShaunDeeb?

Iā€™m sure he gets his bets covered by the house or they just juice the odds a little so itā€™s neutral or slightly +EV for him.

This was always me and then one day about ten years ago I went far out at the Outer Banks and the waves got pretty rough and all of the sudden I couldnā€™t do the elementary back stroke any more because of the surf. And then I look at the shore and Iā€™m all like OK that seems way farther than I meant to go. So I start swimming the fast way and Iā€™m not making much progress. I swim at a 45 degree angle for a while because I donā€™t think Iā€™m in a rip tide but Iā€™ll hedge my bets. Then I get tired and panic a little and start swimming as hard as I can. Finally I get to where I can stand and Iā€™m just exhausted. The beach was totally deserted, it was in very late August or maybe early September. I never understood how people could get killed by riptides before then, I just thought they were idiots who didnā€™t know to swim perpendicular. Iā€™m still not sure if I was in a riptide or if I just swam too far out like an idiot.

I vowed to be more careful and then the next day when I went for a dip I stepped on a giant fucking stingray burrowed in on the sand. Just walking in a foot and a half of water and all of the sudden I feel like Iā€™m stepping on meat and when I raise my foot the ray whooshes up out of the ground and swims away. Fuck this, didnā€™t go back in the ocean for the rest of the trip.


I definitely spend more time in the hotel pool than I do the oceanwhen I visit a beach these days. At some point I realized I donā€™t exactly have the optimal swimmerā€™s body (long torso relative to shorter arms & legs) and pretty poor cardio, so getting even just swimming out past a couple waves was pretty taxing. Fuck the riptides.

Hereā€™s another former NFL player getting caught in the riptide but living:

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Not any more, baby!

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ā€œGod is so good!ā€ wrote Angela Cole, Hillisā€™ girlfriend, on Instagram Saturday

Man I love religion. Iā€™m guessing she means God is so good for healing her boyfriend and getting him out of the hospital, but probably not so good for almost having her kids drown and her boyfriend drown.

God works in mysterious ways, I guess.


ā€œGod will never give you more than you can handleā€ - other than the times you die, but so long as you survive it was all part of gods plan (and if you die, it was godā€™s plan for those around you to be able to handle the challenge of your death).


I got bad news about pools for you. Pools scare the shit out of me, especially with kids

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Never understood why believers didnā€™t want to be Taken Home (by God) (to Paradise Eternal)

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Wow I wonder what led to this

We had a friendā€™s kid nearly drown in the pool a few weeks ago. They found him unresponsive, got him to the ER, and got him back apparently without any damage, but still insanely traumatic for the family. Worse was the kid remembered drowning and asked his parents why they didnā€™t save him.

All because someone left the pool gate unlocked.


I bet you do.

From video as pieces were unloaded, the titanium hemisphere with the viewport is detached and it looks like the acrylic widow is missing.

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Yeah Iā€™ve never had one of these cases personally, but a lot of my colleagues have. Enough for me to be scared of them though