2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

If I got it right, as of a year ago, he’d have $38B left over. Going by memory on the distances.

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So insanely immoral.

Look on the bright side. He and Musk together wouldn’t make it to Mars.

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Many who are first will be last, and the last first.


and lead us not into temptation… but deliver us from evil.

this is the most high actual

I was actually watching this video today of two kids getting pulled almost straight off the shore by a rip current, and their mom jumped in after them and had to be rescued too. Scary stuff for sure if you can’t swim well.

Scariest thing in my life was when one of my kids at about 12 years old was kinda caught in a river current and I knew I couldn’t do much to save her but I obviously had to go in after her. She might have been ok on her own, she could swim pretty well and I think the current led to a calmer place pretty soon. I really just encouraged her to swim vigorously in the right direction and we got out fine, but it was very clear how you can go from a little bit of trouble to a lot very quickly. Her memory of the event is of her being absolutely fine and me freaking out for no reason.


I would watch a 2 hour documentary just on Freebird - how it came to exist, how it was received, everything about it.

Apparently this is from a series of multi-band concerts called Bill Graham presents.


Like “Stairway to Heaven,” one of its chief competitors for the unofficial title of rock’s most epic song, “Free Bird” starts out as a ballad before becoming a solo-fueled rocker. That was not by design, recalls Rossington: “When we started playing it in clubs, it was just the slow part. Ronnie said, ‘Why don’t you do something at the end of that so I can take a break for a few minutes.’ I came up with those three chords at the end and Allen and I traded solos and Ronnie kept telling us to make it longer; we were playing three or four sets a night, and he was looking to fill it up and get a break.”


In these rip currents, on beaches with lifeguards actively watching, if you feel like you’re getting pulled out and can’t stop it, would it be okay to just let yourself get pulled out and wait for someone to rescue you rather than waste all your energy trying to fight it?

Hi Jman (or Jmakin being sneaky sneaky).

Slow Pony Express boring the absolute fuck out of you, huh?

Yeah, that sort of thing will tend to happen when you get mad that all the fun and cool posters want to make their own forum and you decide, “Hey you know what?!? Let’s make OUR own forum with ALL the UNCOOL posters THAT’LL SHOW THEM!!!”


p.s. Except for Goofyballer imo. That’s the most unfortunate casualty and I’ll never forgive you all for letting him let the devil in his home.

This is common. I’ve got a handful of these from when I was a kid and I have no doubt that in the future my kids will tell me this same thing about some catastrophe that they barely faded.

Now I’m intrigued and will have to ask my parents if they have any examples

I believe the advice is you should swim across the rip current, but ymmv.

Yea I know, but lots of people aren’t strong swimmers. I’m just try to gauge how bad it is to let yourself get sucked out if there are lifeguards on duty.

I guess you are relying on a) them seeing you and b) them being organised enough to get to you before you drown

I think B is likely given A, but I think A can be pretty tough in choppy water unless you have someone on the beach watching you

If your not a strong enough swimmer to get out of it by going cross current then you don’t have many options. Might as well relax and enjoy the ride and hope someone sees you. I’d suggest not fucking around in the ocean if you can’t swim though.


I was a decent swimmer but when I was 14 my friend and I went out too far and getting back was difficult and scary as hell. I ingested so much salt water I yakked all over the beach when I made it back. Probably the closest I’ve come to death in my life. Stupid ocean.

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