2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This is so frustrating and it’s fucking everywhere now

Just dealt with this yesterday - used a service to steam clean my car. When I went to pay there was an option to tip - like wtf? It’s not cheap, so I have no clue if the guy is making a decent wage or not.

I was definitely a sucker tipping in Europe the past couple weeks but they’ve picked up on the American tipping system in more and more places there too. At least there I know they’re making a decent wage

so my air is awful right now and apparently it’s canada’s fault

I should not have walked a bit outside today but oh well.


Having to decide when and how much to tip is one of the great challenges of our time. Our Normandy if you will.


I’m a bit late with this but strong moron energy from that UFO “whistleblower”:

Grusch stated that the vehicles were not “necessarily extraterrestrial,” and speculated that they might come from another dimension, stating, “as somebody who studied physics, where maybe they’re coming from a different physical dimension, as described in quantum mechanics.”

Grusch described the vehicles as being composed of “extremely strange, heavy, atomic metal, you know, high up at the periodic table, arrangements that we don’t understand.”

I assume he studied physics at the University of Facebook.

His story here btw is not that he has seen alien craft, but that some guys told him they exist.

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Can’t say I’ve heard the name Ryan Mallett in a while but this is sad. I can personally learn a lesson that it never hurts relearn: the ocean is not messing around. Some of these beaches along the Gulf have been double red flag at various points this week, which means it is actually a crime to be in the water.

Just read Jeff bezos could take his net worth in one dollar bills lay then end to end and wrap around the earth 200 times. Then with the left over cash lay them vertically and go to the moon and back 10 times. Imagine not thinking billionaires are immoral.


i’ve always gone pretty far out into the ocean. drunk, sober, young, old, in the moonlight, i’ve always liked the feeling of being in 10-12’ of water. just floating on my back letting the waves take me around. i get the lifeguard whistle a lot. only once did i feel like i wasn’t going the right way, ended up coming in probably 1/4 mile from my chair/towels.

i dunno, i know “i swim well” doesn’t matter against ocean currents, but in a couple weeks i’ll probably do it again.

also wrt: double red flags or whatever, i was in tybee and a huge storm came through, lifeguards said we had to get out of the water. drunk me wasn’t having it on a public beach. eventually had a cop wander over and ask/tell me to get out. i kept asking if he was saying i SHOULD get out or if i HAD to get out.

“just get out of the water”

“okay but do i HAVE to? on a public beach? or are you saying it’s not safe and i should get out?”

“…can you get out pls?”

went out like that for a while. he eventually told me he couldn’t force me out of the water, but i think it was a bit of reverse psychology on the idiot on 15 airplane bottles of fireball in the sun all day :smirk:

edit to add: remembering being at myrtle beach with 10+ friends when i was 21… me and a friend challenged each other to see who would stop swimming out first, completely blackout drunk at 1 or 2am. smh. he quit and turned around, i went a little further and when i turned back around to look for him, he was already waay further away than i thought he would be and i got the fear (‘omg i can’t see the beach over the waves the water is so dark why is this spot so cold oh shit did something just brush against me i’m outta here’). probably could have been swept a mile out if the currents were just a little different.

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That’s kind of a dick move, since you’re also putting the lifeguards at risk by putting yourself in a situation in which they might have to try to save you in dangerous conditions


it would take 26.5 million dollars just to lay bills from nyc to sf. i would have thought it’d be less

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you’re right. i’m not hundreds of yards out (i think), i go to where i can’t walk anymore and like 20-30 more feet. i come back when they whistle.

I doubt very seriously that Bezos could even make it around once. Can you imagine how hard this would be? Hell, People would just follow behind you picking them up.


snorkling in kapalua bay (right by the golf course), i probably hadn’t taken my face out of the water in a half hour following this sea turtle. when i finally did, i was completely out of the bay and getting out into the channel between maui and molokai i think. definitely 30+ feet deep.

i followed this turtle and he swam up to me it was great. he went and chilled by this rock at the bottom. i memorized the position of the rock, swam back in and got in my car and drove 2 mins to the corner store and got a disposable water-proof camera.

went back to the spot, figuring he’d be gone, he was still there, came straight up to me and i got a ridiculous picture of him like 5” from my finger. followed him around taking pictures and he took off eventually.

it was pretty easy getting into deep water, i was really high off crazy hawaii weed only paying attention to the turtle. next thing i know i thought i saw a shadow in the deep and turned on the boosters lol.

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Sup yo. Rabbi, you are welcome.

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Combining these two ideas:
The full walk from SF to NYC is 40 days, according to my phone, so 960 hours

If we assume constantly picking up dollar bills slows you down a bit, maybe walking half as fast and requiring 2000 total hours of walking, you can still have a pretty sweet $13,000+ hourly walking behind Jeff and picking them up

Of course, $26.5M in one dollar bills would weigh approximately 58,000 pounds so between that and the constant bending over I think you’d need a pretty strong back


nice. wonder if it’s law everywhere that authorities can close the beach.

they can’t if it’s private right? like if you’re a billionaire with beachfront property

My rough estimate is it’s about 15 million feet.

May as well run boiling oats