2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

At least one person thought better of it.

The sketchiness of Rush’s operation was enough to put off at least one potential passenger for Sunday’s trip, who surrendered an $88,000 deposit to steer clear of the Titan.

“We decided the risks were too high in this instance, even though I’m not one to shy away from risk,” Chris Brown, 61, told The Sun this week. “Eventually I emailed them and said, ‘I’m no longer able to go on this thing.’ I asked for a refund after being less than convinced.”


Only if I get to be on one of the first three flights.

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When I was a teenager I lived next door to a 30-something bull of a man who was a commercial (salvage?) diver.

When I was in college he died during a dive.

First Coast Guard District commander Rear Adm. John Mauger said the wreckage of the Titan was consistent with a “catastrophic implosion.”

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That’s a nice demo but the pressure difference is less than 1 bar. For the submersible at the depth of the Titanic, it would be almost 400 bar.


Who remembers this from Nickelodeon?

Just multiply that by 400x or so.


Man I loved Mr Wizard so much as a kid. I think my favorite segment is where he taught you how to cook a hotdog with electricity - just cut up an old electical cord and plug it in!


“Nautilus” seems like the perfect thing to name your submarine if you want it to come to a tragic end

The US Coast Guard is ill-equipped for search-and-rescue missions involving missing submersibles such as the tourist vessel that vanished on a mission to explore the wreck of the Titanic, an expert told Insider.

A huge search-and-rescue operation coordinated by the US Coast Guard is underway to locate the submersible carrying five people that went missing on Sunday around 700 miles off the coast of Newfoundland.

As part of the operation, the Coast Guard is being aided by the US Navy, as well as private firms from France and the UK, which have specialist drones and search equipment capable of operating at the more than 2 mile depth of the Titanic wreck site.

I feel like saying, “hey Coast Guard drop what you’re doing and dive down to the Titanic?” is a bit too much to ask of them or almost anyone.

‘Titanic’ director James Cameron on the ‘catastrophic implosion’ of Titan submersible: “I’m struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship and yet he steamed at full speed into an ice field." pic.twitter.com/vO8JkCXS5f

— ABC News (@ABC) June 22, 2023
Four minute video of Cameron talking up the submersible safety record and how OceanGate are clowns and can't understand how the guy he knew could have signed up for this.

Efterforskningen (English: The Investigation ) is a Danish-language television dramatisation created by Tobias Lindholm, which follows the criminal investigation of the case. The six-part series premiered on 28 September 2020 on TV2 and SVT. It features Søren Malling as chief inspector Jens Møller, Pilou Asbæk as special prosecutor Jakob Buch-Jepsen, Rolf Lassgård and Pernilla August as Wall’s parents, and Laura Christensen as investigator Maibritt Porse.

The Investigation does not feature Madsen or the crime itself, but focuses on the investigative work leading to his indictment and conviction. It has been compared to the 2020 BBC series The Salisbury Poisonings .[51][52] The series was broadcast on UK’s BBC Two between 22 January and 5 February 2021, remaining available on iPlayer for a year.[53][54] HBO began showing it on 1 February 2021.[55][56]

I saw this on HBO, it was entertaining if a bit weird.

Surprised Cameron is giving up hope. Maybe the crew is being kept alive by the Titanic aliens? Still hav fingers crossed here.

One of the tweets I posted (which shitty embed) is literally the captain being asked about and acknowledging similarities with the Titanic.

I doubt they’re swimming around down there somewhere.

I mean it is different strokes but I reckon you might feel different if you got to dive a particularly spectacular wreck. There’s a real Ozymandian (is that a word) quality to them. The Thistlegorm, for example, is a living, breathing thing; half reclaimed by coral with turtles swimming out of hatches and the rest rusting away beneath a serene alien landscape. Meanwhile your there floating around it like a fucking astronaut.

It’s a genuinely mind altering experience.

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Any chance at all these guys are going to face any kind of legal or civil liability?

No idea. I’m not a law guy. David Pogue said

These dives take place in international waters. So there is no governing body. And I will tell you that when we boarded the surface vessel, we signed waivers that would curl your toes. I mean, it was basically a list of eight paragraphs describing ways that you could be permanently disabled or killed.

I would think some international governing body could step in to regulate this stuff, but no real idea.

Did they even do one test dive all the way to the Titanic?