2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Anyway here’s a picture of a French tourist on Fraser Island getting bitten by a dingo.



(someone had to do it)


There is a murder story where this eccentric dude had a submarine and this female reporter was writing a story on him. She went for a ride and was never seen again.

I believe her remains were later found and he was convicted of murder.

Wasn’t even in America!


Finding a debris field near the Titanic is like the old joke about finding a dead body in a cemetery.

That was the most popular answer.

I just thought it was funny that was the final question given I was basically wearing the answer (see spoiler).

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BREAKING: Friend of two of the men missing on board the submersible confirms the debris found was "a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible", after receiving WhatsApp message live on Sky News.

Latest here: https://t.co/L29qKaj8nR

📺 Sky 501 pic.twitter.com/JtqbuhBG6w

— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 22, 2023


I just think of all the amazing shit you might see at the bottom of the ocean, I giant shipwreck is pretty far down the list imo. I mean I can see giant cruise ships in full glory right here in town, not exciting.

The thing is that finding a debris field from a catastrophic implosion would then make me wonder why there was nobody that detected it on sonar. The collapse of a pressure vessel of that size would release energy equivalent to hundreds of kg of TNT. If someone caught it then…

— Scott Manley (@DJSnM) June 22, 2023

The US military military sonar pickets may well have picked it up, but they might be reticent to say since it would reveal the sensitivity of their systems?

Additionally, if it happened at depth the noise would get trapped under a thermocline layer, so would reveal depths

— Peter (@rafty40) June 22, 2023

The Navy picked it up. It hasn't been disclosed because those systems are classified. This has unofficially been a recovery mission to find debris to prove implosion to give peace to the families.

— Nima Farzaneh (@Nemos_World) June 22, 2023

May have hit the thermocline and bounced. In that case one of the few systems set up to detect below the layer is SOSUS or a submarine at depth. That type of information isn’t easily released to the public. Look at the USS Thresher, was decades until it was confirmed SOSUS heard.

— Dieter MacPherson 🚀🌔 (@dmacpher) June 22, 2023
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My guess: Boise

Population is about right and has been growing and is thought of as a good place to find a job.

Can’t speak to items 2 and 4, but can’t really rule anything out based on those either.

EDIT: Welp, I’m wrong. That was my 3rd guess. 2nd was Saint Paul.

I just played Sea of Thieves. Got my fix.


I had no idea Dingos were into analingus

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There was some Scandi cop drama that had a whole plot based on this event.

Dogs love the dirty pants.

I guess it’s evident what happened, but we don’t know how much stuff they found? David Pogue said they had the ability to ditch parts of the thing if they had to surface.

What if I told you I independently designed and built a rocket with a multiracial group of hot young engineers that will shoot us OVER Mount Everest, and you’ll be able to see the peak through a small porthole for a few seconds, and btw I’m in there with you controlling it with a Nintendo wiimote


Wiimote or joycon?

Only one of these will make my answer yes


I’m sure you can see other things while you’re down there.

That would be ironic if they’re surfaced and everyone is looking at the ditched parts at the bottom of the sea.

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midget submarine

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I’m not an expert but roughly 200 kg TNT is my estimate.

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