2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

lol mfs legit think when they start screeching about the other person typing word salad unhinged chow meow gibberish that it counts as admitting they were wrong God in heaven

Just pure nightmare fuel injected straight into my veins.

I’ve gone down a mini-rabbit hole of diving disasters that has me very unnerved.

The cast is way too jubilant about this.

Lochridge also expressed concern that the company planned for the sub to rely on an acoustic monitoring system to detect if the hull was breaking down or about to fail. That wouldn’t provide much help in an emergency, Lochridge claimed in the filing, because the acoustic analysis would only alert people about imminent problems, “often milliseconds before an implosion.”

Lochridge claimed the submersible needed additional types of tests to ensure its hull could withstand the rigors of deep-sea exploration. “Non-destructive testing was critical to detect such potentially existing flaws in order to ensure a solid and safe product for the safety of the passengers and crew,” his legal filing claims.

Rather than address those concerns, OceanGate “immediately fired” Lochridge, the court document claim. The company allegedly gave him “approximately 10 minutes to immediately clear out his desk and exit the premises.”

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Semi-related to the sub thing and worth watching imo is a documentary called Last Breath. Won’t post much bc spoilers but it involves guys doing deep sea work while living on a submersible I watched it on netflix a while back so it might still be on there.

The thing that is going to end up being most damning is that manned trips to the Titanic are a somewhat solved thing. James Cameron claims to have made 33 trips. Meanwhile this company doesn’t follow the usual testing/regulation procedures, fires or diaregards anyone who points out flaws and has the thing implode on the 3rd trip.

This 21 year old girl died in one of the worst, most heartbreaking ways imaginable and you’re still harassing me about about my word choice. You’re garbage.

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So did my mailman.

and you’re still harassing me about about my word choice.

I’m not harassing you about anything. That post wasn’t directed towards you. Why in God’s grace would I direct a post towards you about anything?

Lol CEO interview at about 5:15: doesn’t want 50 year-old white guys with experience, so he hires all 25-year-olds.

The sub story is hard to turn away from but people saying this are making a strong point.


  1. The disparity in how we treat desperate poor people fleeing violence and rich people paying to gawk at an underwater grave is noted.

  2. OceanGate should pay for this entire military operation. I don’t want my tax dollars spent on bailing out this reckless company.


“Every rich guy wants a libertarian paradise until he needs two different militaries to do a search and rescue and then we should all chip in for public services, eh?”

We got refugees in trouble all over the damn place and our attention is on a handful of rich idiots.


Honestly it’s more familiarity than anything else. There was a long running gag on Ted Lasso about the offside rule in soccer because it’s so complicated… but even though it really isn’t for most normal situations. The edge cases can be weird.

Baseball and football are full of archaic rules that almost never come into play. The infield fly rule is pretty straightforward, if you could drop the ball and get a double play easily it’s an auto out. Balks are lol and mostly made up.

Football has the craziest complicated rule book imo. Simply lining up on the field on offense requires a specific number of players on the line with certain numbers, all with different rules on if they can catch the ball, move before the snap, how they can move, etc.

That’s before you get into weird stuff like free kicks in football.

Not that any of this means cricket or whatever is a worse sport. But it’s not indecipherable weirdness like Aussie Rules Football.


The free kick is probably the weirdest rule in football. I guess drop-kicking extra points is up there. And you can’t advance a muffed punt for some reason. Having to make an effort to get back in bounds on a punt gets weird. I’ve never fully understood the whole “wide receiver has to cover the tackle” thing.

And the insane weirdness around punt touchbacks and when the play actually ends that even Terry MacCauley doesn’t fully understand (he tried to claim that even though the ref waved his arms and blew the whistle, the play was still live - so bizarre).

Anything else I’m forgetting?

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Football is the only sport I know of where the networks have an on-staff rules expert to explain to audiences WTF is going on during an instant replay. Completely incomprehensible mess of a sport, tbqh.


Of course he is. He’s a doctor

It’s an example of announcers being completely awful at explaining anything (and probably not understanding it themselves)

It’s very simple: eligible receivers must be either on the end or in the backfield, and you must have at least 7 men on the line, including ends. That’s it

That’s where the terms tight end and split end come from.

If a receiver isn’t “covering the tackle” then he is in the backfield, when he is supposed to be one of the minimum 7 on the line

If there is a rule specifically about making tackles covered, then that is just to prohibit attempts to trick the defense about who is and isn’t eligible



Related and amusing, a few years ago Belichick tried a strategy that fucked with everyone’s heads and prompted a new rule iirc, and it had to do with the end man being eligible

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I keep saying this!



(Reminder: This is the guy whose stepdad is on board the sub)

This guy also takes a real “when life hands you lemons” approach to life, as he seems to be using this as a foothold to meet Blink-182?


Shoot your shot, I guess


Yeah, and that would be the rule I was referring to, if it’s a rule. I just can’t remember if they actually went as far as to say a tackle cannot be the end, or if Suzzer is referring to announcers getting the explanation of rules half right (like they’ll say the WR should have been covering the tackle, but the rule isn’t that you have to cover the tackle; it’s just the fact that he wasn’t covering is what tipped the easy way to know there weren’t 7 men on the line)

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