2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

That’s not the rule though.

Many LBW appeals get turned down despite the pad preventing the ball from hitting the stumps.

But it is. Most sports basically have a principle, then the rule book is super complicated to cover every scenario and prevent any gaming.

Pick up the rule book for any other sport. They all look like that.

The below is Rugby’s law 12. How to kick the ball to start the game.

12 Kick-off and restart kicks

Kick-offs are used to start each half of the match or period of extra-time. Restart kicks are used to resume play.

All kick-offs and restart kicks are drop kicks. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum.

Kick-offs and restart kicks following a score

Kick-offs are taken on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum.

The opponents of the team who kicked off the match start the second half.
After a team has scored, their opponents restart play on or behind the centre of the half-way line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum.
When the ball is kicked:

Team-mates of the kicker must be behind the ball. Sanction: Scrum.
Opposition players must be on or behind the 10-metre line. Sanction: The kick is retaken.

The ball must reach the 10-metre line. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum.

If the ball reaches the 10-metre line but is then blown back or if an opponent plays the ball before it reaches the 10-metre line, play continues.

If the ball goes directly into touch, the non-kicking team chooses one of the following:
The kick being retaken.

If the ball is kicked into the opponents’ in-goal without touching any player and an opponent grounds the ball without delay or it goes dead through in-goal, the non-kicking team has the option of having the kick retaken or a scrum.
If the ball is kicked into the kicking team’s own in-goal and is made dead by a defending player or it goes dead through in-goal, the non-kicking team is awarded a five-metre scrum.
Other restart kicks (drop-outs)

Play is restarted with a 22-metre drop-out when an unsuccessful penalty goal or dropped goal attempt is grounded or made dead in in-goal by the defending team, or the ball goes dead through in-goal from one these attempts.
Play is restarted with a goal line drop-out when:

The ball is played or taken into in-goal by an attacking player and is then held up, grounded or otherwise made legally dead by an opponent.

An attacking kick, other than a kick-off, restart kick following a score, drop goal, drop-out or penalty attempt, is grounded or made dead in in-goal by the defending team.

An attacking player knocks on in the opponents’ in-goal.
Type of restart kick Location of kick Sanction line
22-metre drop out On or behind the defending team’s 22-metre line. The 22-metre line.
Goal line drop-out On or behind the defending team’s goal line. The five-metre line.
A drop-out:
Is taken at the location specified in the table. Sanction: Scrum.
Must be taken without delay. Sanction: Free-kick.
Must cross the sanction line as specified in the table. Sanction: The non-kicking team has the option of the kick being retaken or a scrum.

Must not go directly into touch. Sanction: The opposing team chooses one of the following:
The drop-out being retaken; or
A scrum; or
A lineout; or
A quick-throw.
An opponent must not advance in front of the sanction line before the ball is kicked. Sanction: Free-kick.
An opponent, who is in front of the sanction line, may not delay or obstruct the drop-out. Sanction: Penalty.
If the ball crosses the sanction line but is then blown back, play continues.
If the ball does not cross the sanction line, advantage may apply.
If a drop-out reaches the opponents’ in-goal without touching any player and an opponent grounds the ball without delay or it goes into touch-in-goal or on or over the dead-ball line, the non-kicking team has the option of having the kick retaken or a scrum.
The team-mates of the kicker must be behind the ball when it is kicked. Those who are in front of the ball when it is kicked may be sanctioned unless they retire and do not interfere with play until they are put onside by the actions of a team-mate. Sanction: Scrum.

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Good summary thread.


even if it was total equipment failure and dead batteries , they had a mechanical system to ballast their way to the surface that ran via a sand clock that didnt require batteries.

so to me losing all of the redundant systems, even the non electric means its probably total hull failure / implosion

From Chiefsplanet FWIW

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LBW and kick offs are apples and pears.

If the laws of rugby made the difference between a valid and invalid try so convoluted it couldn’t be understood by lay people and people who play the game casually, I’d agree with you.

Cricket’s laws are way more complex and despite that there are still uncloseable loopholes that leave decisions down to interpretation.

ffs TMS even had a regular Ask The Umpire spot where people could pose various hypotheticals to a professional umpire, who sometimes found it difficult.

Window certified for 1300 meters and going down to 4000 meters also sounds like an implosion.

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At this rate we are going to need a cricket thread :cricket_bat_and_ball:

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Youve gotta be fucking kidding

My penis is nowhere long enough for that.

Confession always seemed like the most suspicious sacrament to me


Atlantis Apple Store is really unique.

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Do we know how many successful missions this sub had to the Titanic?

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I don’t know if we’re in Minority Report land or anything, but unsolved crime is looking more like a choice.

Federal investigators spent more than a year putting the case together before making the arrests on Friday. They tracked the use of Google searches by the suspects to determine that the attackers allegedly hunted for the homes of the journalists and their family members. Investigators also used cell phone records of the suspects to place them near the homes that were vandalized.


The Podcast mentioned in the story - The 13th Step - is pretty solid. First few episodes are about Spofford, the rest of it covers how shitty the recovery industry treats women.

The phrase 13th Step is in reference to men in advanced recovery trying to take advantage of a new woman.

I’m with CN on this regarding cricket. LBW law is complicated because of the legalese needed to explain it within official rules.

Ball hits leg pad without first hitting the bat and would’ve gone on to hit the stumps.

Two exceptions where the batter’s not out:

  1. ball bounced outside the line of the stumps on the side the batter is on
  2. It hits the leg pad outside the line of the stumps with the batter having made an attempt to hit the ball.

The exceptions don’t come into play super often. You should be able to grasp the basics of the rule the first time you watch if you have someone to explain it.

I’ve been watching baseball my whole life and I’d be guessing if I had to explain the infield fly rule (it’s in play if a runner is on first and less than two outs?). A balk is an unnatural pitching motion…what specifically qualifies besides stopping in the middle of a wind-up I couldn’t tell you.

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Describing the industry in a 2019 interview, Rush said that there had been no injuries in the field for decades, adding: “It’s obscenely safe because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown — because they have all these regulations.”

JFC every new detail makes this more of a horror story.


Jmakin since I got you on the line:

As a black man, how would you feel if somebody made a post like this below?

“I just got back to my parents house in Illinois, the one who died was the mailman. Fuck. Really nice, friendly and well-spoken Black, would always wave to him when I was out running…”

He directly admits he was wrong more than anybody in this forum (and other related forums). That’s why people hate him. Because they’re too pussy to directly admit when they are wrong and too babybrain to understand they’re indirectly admitting it anyhow, and resent those who don’t behave the same.