2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

There was no cheating in this case. The fish was disqualified because a shark bit it before they could land it.

According to the article, itā€™s a way to try to keep boats from deliberately striking fish in order to weaken them.

If 2024 is a sequel what was 2020, Tokyo Drift?

Iā€™m sure itā€™s devastating to have a family member in a tragic, uncertain situation like the lost submarine. I donā€™t want to judge anyone based on how they handle that grief.

That being said, lol.


OK, Iā€™m calling it now: that guy sabotaged the sub for inheritance money, get Natasha Lyonne on the case.

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Thatā€™s alpha!

Seems like there is a third option, where you go to the concert but donā€™t post about it to everyone in the world. Just spitballing here.


Levels of benzene can reach higher than those found in secondhand tobacco smoke and the benzene pollution can spread throughout a home, according to the research.

Seems bad

I like benzene on my burgers, ainā€™t no gubment egghead gonna take that away from me!


So how long before it comes out that the manufacturers have known this for 40 years and then no consequences are levied?


Itā€™s already out. There have been studies showing the harmful effects of burning natural gas indoors dating back to 1977.

There used skin cleansers that had benzene as an ingredient, not just a contaminant. I accidentally got some on my contacts and it burned the f out of my eyes. Might as well stick your eyeball in a gas stove burner.

Devilā€™s origin story. Burns eyes with benzene, covers face with hands in agony, then takes his hands away and we seeā€¦RED EYES.


Thatā€™sā€¦ not very complicated?

Baseball has a ton of ways:

  1. Strikeout
  2. Ball hit in air and caught
  3. Tagged between bases
  4. Passing a lead runner
  5. Infield fly rule
  6. Bunt foul on third strike
  7. Batting out of order
  8. Runner interference
  9. Batting interference
  10. Hit by batted ball in fair territory
  11. Leaving a base in a tagging situation early
  12. Missed base
  13. Coaching interference
  14. Leaving the base path

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more. Cricket remains weird. Rules seem far less complicated tbh than a lot of sports. Itā€™s just unfamiliar.

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All methods of dismissal are not of equal complexity.

Baseballā€™s seem straightforward compared to lbw:

The striker is out LBW if all the circumstances set out in 36.1.1 to 36.1.5 apply.

36.1.1 The bowler delivers a ball, not being a No ball

36.1.2 the ball, if it is not intercepted full-pitch, pitches in line between wicket and wicket or on the off side of the strikerā€™s wicket

36.1.3 the ball not having previously touched his/her bat, the striker intercepts the ball, either full-pitch or after pitching, with any part of his/her person

36.1.4 the point of impact, even if above the level of the bails,

either is between wicket and wicket

or if the striker has made no genuine attempt to play the ball with the bat, is between wicket and wicket or outside the line of the off stump.

36.1.5 but for the interception, the ball would have hit the wicket.

36.2 Interception of the ball

36.2.1 In assessing points in 36.1.3, 36.1.4 and 36.1.5, only the first interception is to be considered.

36.2.2 In assessing point 36.1.3, if the ball makes contact with the strikerā€™s person and bat simultaneously, this shall be considered as the ball having first touched the bat.

36.2.3 In assessing point 36.1.5, it is to be assumed that the path of the ball before interception would have continued after interception, irrespective of whether the ball might have pitched subsequently or not.

36.3 Off side of wicket

The off side of the strikerā€™s wicket shall be determined by the strikerā€™s batting position at the moment the ball comes into play for that delivery

Or the short version for proud non-readers:

This sub shit is wild.

nfl has more rules defining a catch than this.

Not a great sign when theyā€™re using some kind of cheap Xbox controller knockoff instead of the real thing like US Navy vessels.

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And there are still subjective elements to the catch rule, such as making a ā€œfootball moveā€ after possession.

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The tiny 380mm viewport is what gets me. Seems like it would be a better experience to just have a fake sub with a big HD display but ymmv.