2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

so my neighbor has a new trump flag thing draped over his porch

well I can’t find the image but it’s similar to this but with a big bald flying eagle at you in the middle of it and black not blue

think it says return over sequel, whatever

at least it’s honest, he’s just in this to trigger the libs

If you guessed we don’t speak to each other, you are correct. Also I don’t care about that, I just don’t like he was digging up his yard at 9 am the other day with a backhoe. Damn inconsiderate old assholes.

also lol him he probably paid 100 for that

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Which Trump policies do you dislike?

Billionaire reportedly on board, so tbd.

It’s inconsiderate to being making noise at 900am? Seriously?

Weekend? Totally


I’m definitely not interested in waking up on a saturday at 9 am to a backhoe next door and will fight you all on it.



When someone is mowing literally inches from my head (garden apartment), I just close the window. 🤷


I’m talking about killing 630 lb animals that are already in trouble for sport.

You’ve already taken so much of their cultural heritage. If you take this they’re liable to secede again.

Are there any laws being broken? I saw blue tuna was designated “vulnerable” on the ESL.

A British adventurer is among those aboard a submarine which has gone missing near the wreckage of the Titanic.

Hamish Harding, 58, is understood to be aboard the five-person OceanGate Expeditions vessel, which was reported overdue on Sunday evening about 435 miles south of St John’s, Newfoundland.

Harding has made many trips to the south pole and, in 2016, accompanied Buzz Aldrin, who became the oldest person to reach the south pole at 86. He also went into space last year with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin company.


I would just like to applaud and thank you for the first happy juneteenth post this forum has ever had.

and also would like to respond that the only response was “not for me” from a white person. not a single +1 (other than the brave likes from @beetlejuice and @NoMatterWho)

cheers, appreciate it.

I’m sure the many slaves emancipated today and their lineages would agree that your suffering was worthwhile.


He used to go by Steve Zissou

Short video clip from a CBS piece on the submarine.


That’s a nope for me.

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As a former apartment dweller, it does not help in my experience :disappointed: walls and windows are typically made of the cheapest (read: thinnest) mats possible. But I got lucky during my last apartment stay as I lived at the back side so they rarely started early where we were.

Happened upon a Juneteenth special on PBS tonight - caught it partway through. Very interesting stuff. I knew the meat of the story, but there’s so much more.


Someone asked the CBS reporter if the sub had a locator beacon and the CBS reporter casually mentions the sub got lost for 5 hours while he was there and they talked about putting a locator beacon on it but never did and they turned off the internet on the boat so reporters couldn’t tweet about it until they found the sub.

But somehow that didn’t make it into the CBS story?


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