2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

And no tracking device. I’m not a smart man but I think that would be a question I might ask if I were getting into that thing. Which I wouldn’t in a million years be, but still.

And you’re sitting on the toilet while looking out of it.

I’m not paying much attention to this, but I’d think there should be triple redundant systems for everything and, most importantly, there should be no fucking possible way to lose the thing. Tie a string to it or whatever, have a companion UAV, slap on a gps, have it ping every 30 seconds, etc.

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One would assume there’s a manual “take me to the surface” lever somewhere in case everything else goes wrong. Assuming so that makes rapid decompression more likely.

ikes arguing with the internet again.

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American football rules are insane, vary significantly between levels of competition, and are enforced entirely differently in different situations. Plus there’s rules that huge number of fans have never heard about or seen. Free kick rule is my favorite.

One certainly would, but who the hell knows here. If the thing didn’t instantly implode from pressure/fatigue then there’s no excuse.

Surprised Elon hasn’t weighed in yet.

Mainly I’m just messing with you because, well, you know.

Sir, that is called REGULATION and we will have none of it here. We move fast and break things in this sub.


Just learned a nice thing. Fans of Andrew Tate are referred to as Tater Tots.


Oh, you mean trolling, or arguing in bad faith?

“Phase one is locate. Obviously phase two is confirm the status of the people and is a recovery possible? Phase three … let’s hope a recovery can take place,” Murcar told CNN.

How reassuring for the families.

There are no radio/gps signals that deep. A cable is doable, as long as the sub doesn’t implode.

Quelle horreur

Perfect use case for Apple Vision Pro. Let some poor schmuck risk death to go putt-putting around a sunken ship while you can shit in comfort. Definitely some issues with transmitting data from the bottom of the ocean back to the top, but surely we can figure that out with the amount of money in tech.

You said cricket’s a “weird sport” and I agreed that it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to someone who hardly watches it.

Next we find that you’re an expert on its complexities.


Problem is they still have to be found. There is no way to open it from the inside. The bolts have to be removed from the outside to get them out.

I wonder if it brings in fresh air at the surface, my guess is no.

Its THE OCEAN! Its the biggest fucking thing on our planet. The idea that we even have the possibility of finding something in a random spot hundreds of feet down with no locator is absolute insanity. Its literal needle in a haystack odds, and likely the odds of finding the needle are better than finding this thing

It’s ok if you don’t want to take my word for it - you could try asking your Indian neighbours and see what they say.