2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Saw a comparison today that a house on the US side of the border is listed at $190k. 17km away on the Canadian side a similar house is $670k.

We are squeezing out any possibility of entering the housing market unless you are insanely rich. Our politicians are doing exactly nothing about it.

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My parents are having a super hard time with theirs, top end market in Winnipeg has fallen out a bit, but also kind of makes sense. Nowhere near the $ here as where you are.

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Parents trying to buy or sell?

It doesn’t seem that complicated. It’s just weird. Hit the ball, run back and forth, do it until you get out.

The problem might be that no one wants to live in Winnipeg.

Winnipeg is super nice. Also location of one of my favourite films.

Let me feel your forehead


I’m fine. It’s a beautiful city.

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Its name means Muddy Water, and its average January high is 11 Freedom Units (negative 11 swishy units)


I will concede it’s a brutal place in winter.

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Which part of the border? I’m thinking not BC/WA because both prices way way way too low

Also @clovis8 which province are you in, again? Alberta, or do you just visit there a lot for business/poker

Yep, Calgary Alberta.

I’ve just been a number of times for various reasons.

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Think I’ll go out to Alberta
Weather’s good there in the fall
I got some friends that I can go to workin’ for
Still I wish you’d change your mind
If I asked you one more time
But we’ve been through that a hundred times or more


Been lucky enough to see him twice in concert. He is awesome.

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Years ago my brother was head of food and beverage at the Hyatt here and one night his head server came to get an ok because “two sort of homeless looking guys” ordered a very expensive bottle of booze.

My brother took a look and laughed his ass off.

It was Neil Young with Bruce Springsteen.


Sell. Listed at 850, already bought a condo and want it to move so have cut substantially.

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Ian? What about Sylvia


Edit: God fucking damn it. Keep forgetting

Lol I didn’t even realize it was a cover till I just Googled it. I was thinking it was a Neil Young song. Lol me.

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