2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It’s deceptive and shitty. BevMo does the same shit with BOGO deals and I won’t shop there because of it.

It’s some extremely weak “deception”, but I suppose that argument can be made. Nevertheless, I still feel nothing. No jimmiies rustled. No lawnmowers preparing for orbit.

I’m not going to lose any sleep if Safeway skates on this, but I’ll enjoy it if they don’t. Caveat emptor I guess.

My lawnmower is also unaffected but it sounds like the practice is illegal, as I think it should be, and I don’t feel bad about them getting sued over it. As a practical matter I find it annoying when deals are structured like this. I’m never deciding to buy ice cream because a BOGO deal was advertised, but if I intended to buy a single ice cream and see that it’s BOGO, obviously I’ll take the free one. I don’t expect it’s actually free but if I want ice cream, what can I do at that point but buy both. Effectively I’ve just been forced into buying more than I want.

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you could say it’s genuinely something some people work at. Billy Graham will proclaim before anyone who’ll listen that it’s a motivation for service, not to be served

and of course the interpretation and inspired actions will vary as widely as possible, exhibit A again, we’re a bit distanced from our neighbors as a society, with some advocating the 2nd amendment solution lol as thyself is as inconceivable today as it was when it was 1st instructed

if God had only given us all catatonic peace and joy. another inconceivable concept

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Go to a different store?

I would much rather just buy the second ice cream

Kari, you’re a botched abortion. and next dude can git some. you and your boyees, make your move, nga

the Canadians and mi gente sud y central americano will come if necessary

lol they’re also literally too fucking dumb to pose much of a threat

Similar rule. When someone says “This is Economics 101” they are almost always wrong about what they are arguing.

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Including economics teachers.

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I’m still laughing at the discussion people were having about how Trump’s judge will ignore norms, when NMW jumped in and said “The norms I learned in L1 say you’re all stupid and should sit this one out” like people didn’t all already know the norms they were talking about probably being ignored

Anyway I thought negative externalities were 102/macro, but I suppose it depends on the school

Ah yes, the famed “bowl 'o brown”

The precise reason that shitty, deceptive business practices hardly generate an eye-twitch is because stores like Safeway get away with them over and over and over again until they becomes expected…despite the fact that they are illegal and have been for decades, if not generations.

I mean what did people really expect, lol


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I am sure some upstart will bootstrap a competitor and make them pay for limiting their production.


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