2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Regardless, religious people give way more on average (3 or 4 times as much) and Churches/Temples/Mosques provide a lot of social services.

Iā€™m sure secular charities could secure more funding if they could made wild promises about rewards/punishments in the afterlife.

Churches do a lot of great work, as do secular organizations --I think we can all mostly agree on that. Letā€™s not make this a contest into seeing who can scold who the hardest.

Any collection of teens should be a ā€œtrending.ā€ A trending of teens.


Sure I never said otherwise. My point was Jesus never said ā€œprovide more than the average personā€ he said

Jesus said to him, ā€œIf you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.ā€

I do gain quite a bit of joy pointing out the terrors of religion because they massively outweigh the very minor good things.

I also seriously question surveys that show the religious give more than average. Do they count the funds given to the church? If so, lol.

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Googled it. Probably heard this song less than five times from 2005-2022. It showed up in my Spotify and itā€™s been playing a ton of work lately. Itā€™s a resurgence!


I was also curious. And surprised. There seems to be quite a lot of research that shows that the religious do in fact gove more to charity. (Sikhs and Jewish folks highest, then the others)

Seems to be a pretty broad result with lots of surveys. They give more to churches AND church related charities (that actually do good work) and charities in general.

This is from very reputable pollster in the UK.

But yeah. I would not have expected that.

I wouldnā€™t say most of the churchy people are doing good works, but most of the people doing good works are churchy, whether itā€™s Christian Churches, the Sikh Temples are always giving out food, Chabad takes in basically any indigent Jew. LFS is one of the rare people who goes out and helps all kinds of the most desperate people as a volunteer and ask him - heā€™ll tell you most of the other people he sees doing that are Churchy.

You could say this comes down to people telling them they will go to hell if they donā€™t do it, but the Churchy people Iā€™ve seen doing it donā€™t seem to be doing it out of fear. Maybe itā€™s more that the cause is them wanting to help and thatā€™s why they were drawn to Church.

And I donā€™t like religion either and itā€™s another thing that divides people into groups that hate each other, but I think itā€™s inaccurate and unfair to not recognize how dominant it is in the space of people directly helping others.


I mentioned them before seeing this. If you arenā€™t familiar, check out what goes on at he Golden Temple. They feed 100000 people a day there.

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Corporations give more money to charity than astronomy clubs.
I heard that Hondaā„¢ gave a person money for rent and Pfizerā„¢ lowered the price of a diabetes drug for widows and orphans.
And the ayatollah of Iran, peace be his name, paid for the burial of martyrs who died against the Sunni dogs in Iraq.

Basically, religion is like a mullet, charity in the front and repression and genocide in the back.


Any system of belief based on absurdities will lead to atrocities. The less power a religion has the more good it will do, because it is seeking power. When it has some power it will cast aside the do gooders for the controllers, because the highest good of any religion is to follow those in control.

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You can leave ā€œbelief based on absurditiesā€ out of that. Itā€™s just true about power held by any person or organization.

If the cost they mention is right, each meal costs $0.11. (most of the work is volunteer)


Surprised Buddhists donā€™t get a mention for getting up ridiculously early to give alms to the poor.

Also the Koran mentions giving 10% to the needy every year.

We all know youā€™re the all time champ


Maybe that 10% is different, but giving to charity is one of the 5 pillars of Islam.

This says 2.5% over a certain amount but it sounds like ā€œits complicatedā€

It probably depends on interpretation but from personal experience some Muslim communities abroad follow the 10% line.

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