2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I was out the other night and saw a portable shower thing in a trailer for homeless people. Of course it was put there by a church.


The government’s not a secular organization?

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It is, but I meant not the government. A lot of those Churchy people are doing both - paying for the government and providing services to the needy on their own.

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Related to the Utah wife story

That’s when two Rhode Island officials came to tour Bok, the former South Philly vocational school that is now home to dozens of artists and entrepreneurs. Scout Ltd., the team behind Bok, had contracted with Rhode Island, under a former administration, to develop a long-vacant state building in Providence. Hoping to convince a new administration to fund the project, Lindsey Scannapieco, managing partner at Scout, offered to show the officials around.

But the way the Rhode Island representatives allegedly behaved was so “bizarre, offensive, and unprofessional” that Scannapieco and colleague Everett Abitbol wrote an email to a hired lobbyist documenting all that happened

These are just the first three bullet points. It’s like if you forced Trump to go on a small time business junket

  1. At midnight before the tour, Patten texted Scannapieco, who is overseeing the redevelopment of the Providence building. “Please have fresh coffee (with milk and sugar) and the best croissant in Philadelphia ready for me upon arrival,” he wrote. “Director Thorsen likes Diet Coke. Have a cold six pack waiting on the table in your conference room. You have three hours to convince us to give you $55M.”

  2. In the morning as the tour began, Patten commented on Scannapieco’s appearance, asking her, “Lindsey, where is your husband? Why is he in Australia? Good thing you’re married or I would move to Philadelphia.” He also said, “If I knew your husband wasn’t going to be here, I would have come last night.”

  3. During the tour, the group visited the Jefferson Wyss Wellness Center, a primary care hub for Philly’s refugee and immigrant communities. Marc Altshuler, the center’s clinical director and a professor at Jefferson, described his passion for helping marginalized populations, the email said. In response, Patten said, “When you go to the bars at night, you must have to swat off the women.” (Altshuler said “No, I am happily married.”) Patten then asked Altshuler, “You’ve got some ethnicity in you?” The doctor said no. Patten asked if he was Italian. The doctor said no. Finally, after more questioning, Altshuler said he was Jewish. “Mazel tov,” Patten said.

An attorney for Patten told WPRI that Patten attributed his behavior to “a mental health event characterized by health professionals as an acute stress event that built up over time.” He said that Patten had lost his sister, best friend, and father-in-law in the three years before the trip and was “humiliated” but “is not going to run or hide from this.” The Inquirer has reached out to the main parties involved for comment



Mr. Beast, tho.

He’s like Frantz Fanon. There’s a Coates for all seasons.

Credit for mazel tov tho

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You want to send kids to sectarian orphanages? I’m not sure you’ve really thought this through.

Many, probably most of the places built with government money are sponsored by religious organizations as well.

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the orcas disrupted our emergency radio signal by singing whalesongs at a complementary frequency. it was clearly pre-planned.


"What happened out there? Buzzard’s guts, man! You still don’t get it, do you? The orcas dismantled our rudders and disrupted our comms and then impersonated our chain of command so effectively that they CHOMP!! SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER <eats interviewer and camera crew>


Sure, Jan.

I was a consultant who prepared applications for government grants to build family, elderly and handicapped housing projects and did analysis for tax credit funded projects for the same population for 5 years and I grew up in housing because my dad worked for HUD, but maybe you know better.


Glad to hear the government is doing some good out there.

That’s one way to go after your stupid “Sure, Jan.” post.


Like you might not recognize this as government housing:

It’s called “Beautiful Light Inn” because it’s sponsored by a Church which continues to manage the property, but it was built with a government grant and the government provides subsidies. This was one of my projects.


A relevant FAQ from HUD.
