2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Spits on ground

In my day, when we played sports, the temperature and humidity were both 99

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IIRC there was a disgusting malt liquor called “Midnight Dragon” or “Double Dragon” or something like that. Even the hard-core cheap beer drinkers found it gross. When someone pulled out one of those there was a huge commotion

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Those ads tho





Luxury prisons for the rich wonder what that turns up.

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God the embedder ruins tweets so bad without line breaks

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The lesson plan released as part of the documents request prompts students to analyze and respond to some of Coates’ arguments in the book. Instructions include “Describe Coates’ primary statement regarding identity and your position about his argument,” “Describe your understanding of systemic racism,” and “Do you think racism is a pervasive problem in America? Why or why not?


But the class didn’t get far in its assessment of the National Book Award winner, after at least some students expressed discomfort with two short videos played in class as preparation for the book: “The Unequal Opportunity Race” and “Systemic Racism Explained

Hearing (Wood’s) opinion and watching these videos made me feel uncomfortable,” one unnamed student wrote to a school board member after the class. “I actually felt ashamed to be Caucasian… These videos portrayed an inaccurate description of life from past centuries that she is trying to resurface. I don’t feel as though it is right because these videos showed antiquated history. I understand in AP Lang, we are learning to develop an argument and have evidence to support it, yet this topic is too heavy to discuss

“I was incredibly uncomfortable throughout both videos, and was in shock that she would do something illegal like that,” the student wrote, adding parenthetically “I am pretty sure a teacher talking about systemic racism is illegal in South Carolina.”

The irony is when I read Coates’ book, I found it to be a lot more nuanced than his critics made it out to be. For instance there’s a part where he starts mentally taking refuge in black nationalism and in black history. There’s a story about an African queen that when she meets the Dutch uses backs of her servants as stairs to get down from her palanquin, an obvious symbol of her power. Coates uses it as a symbol about how powerful Africans where before the slave trade left African Americans in a lesser state. One of his Howard professors slyly asked him “Who do you think you would would have most likely been if you were alive back then, the African queen or the servant whose back she was stepping on?”


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I mean, this country would be better if more people felt ashamed to be Caucasian…

Everyone thinks this is funny because she murdered someone, but it’s completely fucked that all this info is logged somewhere.



Sounds like you’ve got something to hide

Damn, didn’t know that was you. Been following forever

Have not checked the validity of these numbers but if correct this blows my mind.

Tldr: it wouldn’t even take every church in America to help one foster kid and one homeless person to end both! There are more churches than both classes of people.

Lol religion.

Maybe it’s LOL everyone else, since everyone else gives even less than the religious

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Ultimately it’s just lol capitalism’s allocation of resources, and lol the fucked up myth that we’d have less gross resources if we didn’t have capitalism’s fucked up allocations

Let’s just say if you plan to travel somewhere and do something, like even a mile away, best not to have a phone on you.

Between phones and genealogical DNA cops have to be pretty apathetic not to solve crimes.


More than half the shelter spaces are supplied by religious organizations. I think the government supplies almost all the rest. Where are any secular groups doing anything? Food-not-Bombs is great of course, but it’s a tiny organization.

Probably random individuals are undercounted - not counted at all though.

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