2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

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This is the Black Mirror episode “Hated in the Nation”

I really love this Nextdoor post. In order to share information on the internet she took a photo of a newspaper article and posted it. Extra credit for “in case you missed this on the news last night” lol.


What can you give to the young voter who already has free healthcare and education?

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Condoms are just health care.

I imagine, if you buy in super-bulk, you could get a LOT of condoms for the public healthcare costs of just one baby, nevermind STDs.


10 year anniversary of Ikea monkey. I found this hilarious at the time.

or even just regular-bulk



Does Cincinnati chili have beans in it? I don’t acknowledge ANY chili with beans in it.

I don’t think it does but it’s more of a spaghetti sauce than a chili anyway.


I made chili and slaw dogs a couple weeks ago. Didn’t feel like making my own chili, as the point was to just do a quick and satisfying dinner, so I bought a can of Skyline. I had never had it before. It was ok, but yeah, the cinnamon and cocoa definitely make it taste different. Didn’t like it as much as “normal” chili, but it was still tasty on a hot dog.

I actually use cinnamon in turkey chili that I make (with beans, as opposed to beanless which is better on a hot dog), but it’s just a hint of flavor, not the really strong cinnamon flavor in Skyline.

Dude with an antique Bluetooth headset basically ran to get to the costco return line before me, they have been working on his return (an acer monitor) for like seven minutes already and now there are three employees huddled around the register FML


Just received this bad boy. It’s confusing and angering my wife, and I may never take it off.




Pretty freaky a coyote trying to drag away a toddler in broad daylight in Woodland Hills (not exactly a rural area with lots of undeveloped land). Must be really desperate. Imagine if they ever decided to gang up on us.

You gotta love LA hand-wringing about whether this particular coyote should be put down. Fucking just shoot the thing and send a message to his buddies.

One of my favorite memes OAT

Just paint a tunnel on a wall.


My neighborhood Nextdoor is roughly 50% coyote chatter (including the people complaining about all the coyote chatter). I personally encounter them 3-5 times a week. I walk my dog at 5AM ish and carry a collapsible baton for defense. I’ve never made physical contact with a coyote with it, but have had to brandish it at particularly aggressive ones pretty regularly (this past Wednesday in fact).

There are actually dipshits in my neighborhood that feed them. There’s also a local park where people leave trash and food lying around. And plenty of people with outdoor cats. As long as all those food sources are maintained, coyotes that are comfortable with people will continue to do their thing. All they’re doing is being coyotes, but I agree that when they’re grabbing kids it’s time for a coyote hunt.


…and I don’t acknowledge ANY borscht with beets in it.

Chili has beans. If it doesn’t, it may be delicious, but it’s not chili.

Edit: My wife makes chili without beans, and she adds… macaroni? It was almost a deal breaker.