2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

He’s light years better than any of the competition I’ve seen. I may yet vote in 2024.


Eh, fuck it, I’ll just write myself in. I’m not in love with the job, but good salary and great retirement.




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In a bid to revive his flagging relevance, the eloquent but essentially gullible Brand has lately taken to spreading right wing conspiracy theories.

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I will go out of my way to try and trip up anyone wearing one of those things on their face out in public. Enjoy your super realistic falling physics asshole.

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So he’s British Joe Rogan?

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idk much about Rogan.

Brand was a stand up comedian, ex-heroin addict and rampant womaniser for years all of which made him the darling of chat shows for a while before the media circus moved onto the next thing (actually the roué somewhat compromised his kool kid kred by (briefly) marrying some ephemeral US pop star probably in a bid for fame over there, and his media star waned as people saw through his anti-establishment shtick).

Is there a word for stock phrases that are always in a certain order?

An example would be “bow and arrow” instead of “arrow and bow.”


Count your blessings.

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Strange that their example picture is macaroni and cheese, because I’ve definitely heard people refer to it as cheese and mac.

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I assume you immediately cut those heathens out of your life


When I was a kid, I used to call the Sesame Street characters “Ernie and Bert”, which apparently was weird.


You would get tired of secret service.

I remember this as a Kraft marketing ploy to emphasize that their boxed Mac and cheese was “the cheesiest*”.

* Contains no actual cheese.

I loved him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

And he kind of played the same character in Get Him to the Greek, but it was a bizarre continuation of the character concept rather than the actual character from FSM.

And they brought back Jonah Hill!! But also had him play a new character??!?

They’d have killed if they’d have just finished this subplot.


Some follow-up points:

  • I think I’ve seen “cheese and mac” on restaurant menus. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an actual person refer to it as cheese and mac in casual conversation.
  • Google is apparently STRONGLY in the irreversible binomial camp. If you search for “cheese and mac”, it just says, “I’m gonna simply assume that you mean macaroni and cheese” in its search results. And that’s true even if you search for “cheese and mac” using quotation marks, which I thought was like an unbreakable spell for searching for exactly that phrase:
  • My wife claims to have never heard or seen the phrase “cheese and mac”, and has accused me of wasting time on nonsense.

It’s out there.



Or maybe a mention it in GHTTG. “One of my influences …”

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