2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

They should have had Aldous basically fulfill Jonah Hill’s warning that one day Aldous would be telling someone about how he ignored this dudes demo and now he regrets it because he’s become like a major major influence on him.

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It should be broad daylight here

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Yeah I’m in the Finger Lakes and the sky is yellow and some businesses are closing.



Looks like Mexico.


lol nice

I’m in N. Virginia, and I have the windows open despite there being an air quality alert here. I’m breathing fine.

However, the apartment complex closed the pool today due to the air quality alert.

The last time the air was unbreathable in Los Angeles was when we already couldn’t leave the house without masks because of the deadly global pandemic. So that was convenient.

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I believe that’s call freedom

Forum addicts grumbling about future gens cut off from the real world


Incredible read as always

I don’t get what problem this is solving? Are Uber customers attacking their drivers? Are Uber drivers attacking their riders? Are people getting attacked as they try to leave their Uber? Wtf.

I know that Uber drivers attacking their riders is one of those things that barely ever happens but has huge traction in social media as a fear mongering click bait story. And you will be shocked (SHOCKED!) that these stories have particular traction when a 20 something blonde white lady is allegedly attacked by a brown skinned immigrant Uber driver.

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if you wanted to attack your driver why would you hire an armed driver??

I believe the target market here is “insane suburbanite who thinks everyone in the city gets carjacked within 2 minutes of being inside the city limits”



Never heard of a stagecoach? Bandits everywhere.


Dumb question: are other cities/areas being hit as hard by the Canadian wildfire smoke as New York is? All I see is pics of New York.

Harrisburg is getting the worst of it now