2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Ok but I thought that the reason Meta was met with near universal revulsion was because most people thought it was creepy af to work/live in the Zuckerverse, not because they thought Meta couldn’t eventually make good headsets.

One interesting tidbit Tim Cook and no other apple big wigs were shown wearing the vision pro.

Gurman called Cook’s decision not to wear the headset “meme control,” which is a good way to think about it— Apple doesn’t want Vision Pro to become a punchline before it’s even out the door.

Also nobody in the nearly two hour presentation said “AI” even once. Anything like that was referred to as machine learning.

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I guess some press got a thirty minute demo of the device.

This has some of the mixed takes:

Just watched this. He says the eye tracking and selection are magical. By far best in class.

Not getting enough press from yesterday is ios17 has supposedly fixed their god awful autocorrect.

If so, that will be the single best iPhone improvement in a decade.

The AirPods improvement looks pretty epic too.

Thats what I think makes this one different.

When you put on the meta headset, thats it, you are disconnected from the world. The passthrough is so bad that you essentially cant interact with the real world. This is about the exact opposite. Its 100% passthrough. You arent locking yourself out of what is happening in front of you.

Heres a good example. On quest I have an app that teaches how to play keyboard. It makes a fascimilie of my hands and the keyboard in a virtual space and shows me what keys to push with my ethereal fingers.

With this headset I will look down and see my keyboard, not a VR representation of it. Ill see MY hands, not floating ghost fingers. And it will still light up the correct keys, except it will happen on my physical keyboard. Essentially in the real world.



Free article.

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If that’s illegal ain’t no jury gonna convict.

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what game is that?

It was both. They failed before at making a phone.

The new Zelda.

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This is great because the only thing keeping me from literally playing video games until I pass out is the need to be sitting down and orienting my head with my neck. Solve that and we’re one neuralink away from full potato mode


I think there might be some confusion between the Meta Quest and the Metaverse. People have made fun of the Metaverse because it’s dumb. The Meta Quest (or Meta Quest 2) is an excellent VR headset with a lot of fun games, which I assume people also use for the stupid Metaverse. Meta Quest 3 comes out in the fall for $499.

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Anyone have updates on these marines?

Is there some kind of option to plan your trip in Google maps but to say if I left at a different time of day here’s how long it would take?

Completely insane thing to say

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