2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Oh, maybe they can make an AR Phone app, which just renders a regular phone in your AR world with the icons there just like on a regular phone.

Yeah, I was skeptical at first, but if things continue to advance at this rate I can see myself.picking something like this up in about 3 years for a grand or so.

Not sure if they ever would, but partnering this with something like Xbox cloud gaming (I know they have a deal with samsung so this is unlikely) basically replaces the need for a console. So long as input lag can be reduced to a minimum, this thing seems like it could replace both a console and a television when it comes to gaming.

ok boomer

Yeah, finding some way to synch this with tutorial videos for like you said home improvement, or car repair. A set of instructions as I look into the hood of my car telling me “first unscrew this bolt near battery terminal lights up then remove that” etc, could open up a whole new world of DIY capabilities. My wife loves doing interior design stuff. Being able to replace a tape measurer and actually see something you are considering purchasing online in your physical space would be wonderful.

I like the quest, but the physical hampering of the passthrough being hillariously bad quality makes it pretty muhc impossible to use in any real world or non single use spots.


All this has reminded me that Aloysius still owes me dinner from our Apple Watch bet.

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Yeah, having these available for demo at apple stores will make a dent in adoption levels, if its able to perform how they describe in the videos.

I imagine it will be pretty easy to minimize and recall the icons

We will know a lot more after the press get to review them.

This would be pretty good, I just wish they’d have lead with more with interesting uses than pretending 3D facetime is a big deal (well, except for uh those uses already discussed).

There are new products like blue jeans, iPhone, Facebook, Ozempic, Viagra, etc where you put them into the world and the demand is large and immediate. They solve problems people did not know they had and/or open up new possibilities. Meeting the demand is a major undertaking. Companies make tons of money and the world changes.

Then there are later products from those companies that seek to create a market where it doesn’t really exist. Then you get companies like Meta.



My kid is an avid birdwatcher, I told him that someday people will wear these birdwatching and it will automatically spot and identify any birds in your field of vision. He proposed we immediately firebomb Apple.


It’s the only way to be sure.

This is basically how Microsoft advertises their AR headset, Hololens.

Current AAA games cost ~200 million to make and take ~6 years.

And there is no current market for a change.

I absolutely can’t see Rockstar or Nintendo putting major resources now into something vs the next GTA, Final fantasy, Zelda etc when you are 5+ years away from realizing anything financially.

As someone brought up, meta has lit tens of billions on fire.

It’s gonna be just like pressing R3 in an Ubisoft game

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Did you watch the announce video? These don’t have to be VR games. The headset will essentially create a screen wherever you are. Couple that with cloud based gaming, which is already a thing, and controller support, and you can play any game on any system through this headset without buying an additional system or even a television screen.

Whereas, yes, Meta doesnt work because the games have to be native VR capable.

Apple also claims it is the best system watch 3D movies.

and Im not swallowing any of this whole cloth. Mark is right, lets see how this shit actually works when its in the hands of testers and reviewers. But as promised, it seems to be a huge step up from Meta.