2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Samsung and Sony put features on their phones years ahead of apple. That’s why the android world laughs when apple makes a big feature announcement and it’s been on a Samsung for 5 years. Think of always on display for example.

I just hate that the smartphone market is basically Apple and Samsung. I know there are others, but those are really the two. I’m not looking forward to however many hundreds of dollars I’m going to have to pay for each phone in my household the next time we need new ones and don’t want to switch carriers.

In 5 years apple iPhone will introduce a stylus pen that doesn’t even hide inside the phone and their stock will pump 300 billion


I don’t know what kind of timeline that adoption of augmented reality will take, but when it gets here you can be assured that we will be swimming in the most awful and ridiculous applications. The DLC that makes your wife look hot will sell a billion copies

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When the prices drops and battery power increases, it will. For at least the next couple of years, it’ll be a niche tool only tech dorks with cash to burn will use.

And it’s funny to talk about gaming, when the big narrative this year is “Nintendo made one of the best games of all time on the switch, which is less powerful than your current phone and the file size is only 16 gb.”

If they can add helpful AR labels to stuff I could see it being good for like home improvement applications. I have no clue what to do with plumbing and whatnot, it’d be neat to have a tutorial guide me through it

The ultimate situation is when when we can use AR to make the environment full of cartoon characters and we can play video games that are photorealistic open world versions of the actual world

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i think that apple made a very strong play, even though $3.5k is too steep for myself. ultimately, the technology of having a transparent screen that can also become a personal monitor, and video rendering at the claimed speeds are going to be game changers. and of course, samsung, and google, and meta are all going to try their hand at a similar product, and we are not going to know who ultimately wins out for a long time, similar to mac vs windows, ios vs android.

but i expect the majority of consumers will need to be trained or convinced to try it and ultimately use it, just like it happened with ipod and iphone. so it is great that apple continues to push innovative ideas and designs even though Jobs and Ives are no longer there.

GiveWell estimates that it costs about $2000 to save a life from malaria. So just keep in mind that you are killing 1.5 people with your bare hands to own these porn goggles.


In my ongoing Lyft to physical therapy saga, today’s driver was polite, asked me where I am from etc.

When we got to the location he wanted me to hold his hand while he said a prayer over me. It was a first time experience. I can’t imagine that is a good way to get high ratings but it is Texas so maybe it works.


I think it took 7 months for apple to sell one million iPhones.

But how many meta-people will you save?

Apple sucks and the headset will be a failure. Admittedly, I’ve been fighting a mostly mild 30 year battle vs Steve Jobs and Apple and I own zero things made by them. I guess I won the battle given that Jobs is dead.


Unfortunately this one just gives the “continue reading with a WSJ subscription” link

Could be a generational thing now, and like yes AR could be cool in different ways and could have occupational applications, but I can’t imagine wanting to look out into the world and see my fucking app icons floating around in space. I don’t want to see incoming texts light up somewhere in my field of vision; I’d much prefer them noiselessly deposited into the phone in my pocket or charging on the shelf.

Yeah I want to wear a scuba mask all day and see that. Both baffling and kind of unnerving.