2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


sure but this is completely different than ā€œnobody imagined a smartphone beforeā€

I mean Christianity is a cult though?

I totally agree the IPhone itself was a major step forward for phones. However the Iphone has not been a superior product to itā€™s Samsung counterpart very often(if at all) since about the Iphone 5. If you have only been using an Iphone this whole time you probably arenā€™t aware of this. Itā€™s probably closer now than it was 5 years ago. Iphones didnā€™t even have rapid charging until very recently for example.

Elonā€™s gonna implant this baby right into your brain!

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Definitely not if weā€™re using the sociological definition.

Outside of the size thing this seems to fit Apple users and Christianity pretty well.


The size thing is THE thing though for the definition. Often age is part too.

I mean i think the unwarranted devotion part is what I was originally going for. People here(and pretty much everywhere) have called MAGA a cult unchecked for almost a decade so I disagree size is THE thing most people are talking about when they use the term cult.

I donā€™t really know much about phone specs, but talking about how Samsung is better than Apple reminds me of the same conversation about Apple and Microsoft in the 90s and 00s

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Christianity is a cult-like-group-too-large-to-be-technically-called-a-cult, or CLGTLTBTCAC

Apple Fandom is also a CLGTLTBTCAC

Boom fixed it

(Iā€™m mostly joking, you could probably apply this same thing to Android fandom, or tesla fandom, or really any fandom of any corporation because they all suck)

Edit: and also any religionā€¦

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The apple Samsung debate is silly.

Samsung objectively makes more powerful phones, with better features, first to market.

Apple objectively makes a better seamless experience suited for the largest group of users.

The market has simply shown the latter is far more likely to be rewarded.

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Fair enough. I think for most of the Iphone users the seamlessness largely comes from never using anything else for a decade rather than some actual superiority within the OS or something. But I understand that also. Even just upgrading phones is an anxiety inducing event for me. Switching brands completely is even more so.

My original point was that Apple fans are going to buy whatever they put out at whatever price point. Apple has smartly positioned and marketed itself as a status symbol for the middle and upper middle class. $3500 is an insane price point but lots of people are going to buy it.

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Your second paragraph is 100% correct too. They sold out of a $50k version of their watch which was basically the same watch as the $500 version. :joy:

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Iā€™m with Clovis. I think this is the start of something big. Apple is amazing at developing a new idea and then iterating it into a monster over time.

I think they could sell a million of these in its first year even at that price. That being said that is minuscule revenue for apple so the goal has to be down the line.

Based on apple naming conventions this is a ā€œproā€ which means top of the line and we will see a lower end one down the road.

This has a lot of drawbacks and limitations but apple is amazing improving in that environment. I think it looks extraordinary for content consumption and computing work flow. Really no good use case for walking around the world with it but being to create a nearly unlimited desktop that ties into your MacBook and iPhone, itā€™s going to be neat.

I donā€™t think anyone should buy this if they donā€™t like to be on the very bleeding edge of technology and have the money to burn. I expect second and third generation to really have a massive impact on computing. Also if their gesture controls work well it will be a big deal.

Lot of people complaining about how they look but I donā€™t think you will see a lot of people wandering around in the wild. One of its biggest limitations is a wired battery pack with two hours of life. This is with using the m2 chip which is the most power per watt silicon in existence. I get why there was some rumblings within apple that this is too soon. But I think they need to get it out to find new use cases and software to drive it.

Remember the original iPhone had no AppStore. It was web apps only

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Lol at iPhone underperforming android phone. Apple makes the best chips in the business. They run circles around the Qualcomm builds every single other manufacturer uses.

Iā€™m not sure in what areas you are saying apple underperforms. On raw power itā€™s not even close. But I donā€™t want an apple android debate.

How will porn get on there? Apple wonā€™t let it in the vision app store

Just recently learned that Google pays Apple somewhere in the range of $20 billion per year to be the default search engine on Safari. Jesus Christ.

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I said ā€œsociologicallyā€, which means Iā€™m using the framework of church-sect typology.

Website access.

Itā€™s a good business strategy. Instill FOMO then introduce a less expensive one that seems affordable in comparison.