2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Can’t really call the massive market leader for a decade a cult. That’s like calling Christianity a cult. :grin:

The thing Apple does better than anyone is provide the user a seamless experience.

Others innovate and they perfect.

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Man. This story.

I reckon I would get about 50 feet. If that.


My guy. I’m not sure climbing is for you.

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I think a lot of those climbers are dumb and unprepared but I’d bet some just have a death wish. Kind of like a base jumper that fully knows sooner or later it will go wrong and that’s the thrill.

People age 5-105 basically all not only have iPhones but buy new ones reliably every few years.

The market for the headset is, uh, considerably smaller, and I can’t see people buying more than 1.

At their market cap it is almost impossible for this product to meaningfully impact them financially even if it is widely adopted. The only project with the potential to do so is a car. But someone has to build it.

You are missing the fact that this device will be your smart phone, computer, tv etc. those devices will all be in the dustbin of history like the mp3 player, pager and stand alone phone.

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lol dude people aren’t going to walk around with a giant fucking device on their head wtf


Not next year, but in 10 years they will. It won’t be giant.

I’d happily bet on it.

This is my reaction as well and I think maybe we’re not all talking about the same thing. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if this and other competitor VR headsets are commercially successful because there are some obvious use cases. The tech will revolutionize the video game industry, which is already a $200B+ annual sales market. That’s a big space to play in. I can also see these things serving a function as a form of next gen TV and there’s one or two in every house, like when flat screen TVs came out and basically everyone got one eventually to replace the old TVs. There are almost certainly some interesting commercial use cases as well. A real estate sales market where you could put on one of these things and walk around the virtual interior of prospective houses would be interesting.

But what I don’t get is the comparison to smart phones. To achieve the penetration impact of smart phones a device has to be something that people can carry around with them 24/7 and that they are so addicted to using that they have a panic attack if they don’t know where they left it. People aren’t pulling out a VR headset in the lineup at Starbucks to kill 3 minutes. They aren’t going to have it by their bedside and set an alarm on it. They aren’t going to check email on it in the bathroom. They won’t take it everywhere they go and pop it on quickly because they got a notification that someone sent them a VR video of a kitten. VR headsets might be a hugely important technology, but it’s not going to reshape the daily behavior of humans in the way of smart phones because people won’t be connected to them 24/7 like they are with smart phones.


This video is so damn wholesome. Watched the whole thing with a big smile on my face.


I honestly think you are making the mistake of thinking what was shown yesterday is what it will look like in 10 years.

You could take your post and swap out the word cell phone for headset and post it in the 80s with this photo. Nobody is going to walk around all day with this thing!

I could be wrong but it seems obvious to me kids born today will laugh that we all carried around smart phones instead of a wearable computer.


The future is obviously wide open. I am just commenting on what we’re looking at now. A device that large can’t have the impact of smart phones because people can’t and won’t take them everywhere. If you’re talking about a possible future where the tech somehow is just tiny and invisible then sure it opens a bunch of doors. In fact, at that point it basically just becomes another phone app.

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For sure but it seems like Apple is following the same path they have for the iPhone and iPad. Make an early model that is insanely expensive whose sole goal is to prove the tech and provide a wow factor. Real adoption is versions 3,4,5 etc.

I would bet a lot they sell out this version and it will be very hard to get, even at that price.

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have a good friend who falls into this category. I sent him a couple of links and he texted this shortly after:

Just looking at the demo. If it can do half the items it shows. This will be amazing. Just the tv features alone are worth it

It will be smaller, but if it is still significantly bulkier than a pair of glasses, what will the adoption rate be?

I think that’s a reasonable take.

I don’t think that even Apple knew when they were about to create a giant smart phone market that it would impact humans so much. I am sure they thought everyone would like one. I doubt they thought that people would be so addicted to them that they would be slamming into each other on the highway because they can’t stop looking at them.

Anyway, like I said I don’t think I’m really disagreeing. I just wasn’t really understanding the comparison to smart phones. I do really think that some tech nerds think people are going to pop these on and we’ll all live in the Metaverse forever (who needs legs anyway?). It sounds to me more like the tech has obviously value - it basically profiles to convert all of our 2D interactions with screens into 3D interactions, and many people interact with 2D screens for about 90% of their waking hours, so yeah that’s a big deal. That’s why I think of this more as not being like a new technology with an impact similar to the smart phone. It seems more to me that this will just be the next generation of many of our 2D surfaces that we interact with now all the time. When that tech becomes small and discrete and easy to activiate/deactiviate, then it basically is a smart phone.

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So anyway who else is buying one of these so that we can participate in Clovis’s 3D VR orgies?


You joke but porn on an oculus is next level. This will be a game changer.

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What a fucking asshole.

Apple makes so much money from the iPhone not just from the device sales but from the closed ecosystem they have created. They basically take a cut of everything people spend on their phone, from Candy Crush to Fortnite, and that adds up. Whether the headset is a big deal for them will depend on if it becomes a platform for the same type of spending.

