2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

So weā€™ve got Dumbest Thing of All Time vs. Game Changer on the apple VR. I guess weā€™ll see. Iā€™m going with Game Changer because itā€™s the most cynical and no one wants to live in this world.


All I know is that within a couple of months someone will try to drive with one on.


If this thing really records 3d video of peopleā€™s kids and plays it back, once people see this that alone will be hugely compelling.

Also the airplane example was massive.

Remember that the gen 1 iPhone couldnā€™t do anything, cost $600 at a time when every other phone was free and was locked to one tiny carrier.

Take 15 min and remind yourself.

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When the historians find us weā€™ll be in our homes
Plugged into our hubs
Skin and bones
A frozen smile on every face
As the stories replay
This must have been a wonderful place


Did you try one of these on or just buy it on a whim? how did you become impressed?

Itā€™s not for sale until next year.

Those wouldnā€™t be reasons this will explode

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LMAO, Chasten is out on book tour.

Heh, probably. Heā€™s only 5ā€™8" ish? He didnā€™t tower over me.

Which is an excellent segue into what I came here to actually post about. Was excited to present a certificate today to San Diegoā€™s first Jeniā€™s Ice Cream shopā€¦until I discover the manager is a fucking GIANT that makes it (and me) look utterly ridiculous. Not to mention I couldnā€™t keep a straight faceā€¦

Feel free to laugh. I did :laughing::grimacing:


Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t care how tall he is, that man is clearly wearing clown shoes.


Has the WSJ figured out how to keep articles off https://archive.ph/ ? Iā€™ve been trying to get the one below and it seems blocked somehow. I only can get a 404 page

Skipping a bunch of posts but Apple has always been a cult for people who like overpriced/underperforming garbage. $3500 wonā€™t be a roadblock for a lot of people purchasing this. Honestly it seems like Apple finally realizing it themselves. Do we really think people wouldnā€™t pay 2k for the newest Iphone that most mostly underperforms all of other top tier phones?

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Overpriced yes. Underperforming no (or prove me wrong).

Most expensive iphone 14 costs about the same as the most expensive Galaxy S23ā€“1.1K,

Samsung has led Apple in almost every meaningful category for a decade. Photo/video quality, battery, charging, etc. I think Apple has caught up some recently but ya. Owning an Apple phone was largely 1-2 years behind Samsung every step of the way.

Yeah it doesnā€™t seem to work on the archive sites. Other WSJ articles do still work. Iā€™m shocked archive.ph has worked so well for so long on major sites.

This link works:

Palm OS, Windows mobile, symbian and blackberries were out like 6 years before the iPhone.

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People like thisā€¦should be left to freeze to death on Mt. Everest.

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Iā€™m with Clovis on this one. Itā€™ll take a few years to get the price down and the use cases normalized, but if nothing else, Apple is going to add more billions to their balance sheet with this.

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And the iphone with the full touch screen killed all of them.

Everyone has a smartphone, only business nerds had palm pilots and blackberries.

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