2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Hey apple, just hurry up and build a fucking car. Nobody wants to wear a massive headset around.

On the one hand, no one imagined a smartphone before Apple created a whole new market.

On the other hand, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Do we really need less in person human interaction right now?

Just other fun games. My son LOVES VR - heā€™s had Oculus Go and both of the Quests (even started making his own game for the Quest). He doesnā€™t do any of the Metaverse stuff, just games, games, games, and has a blast. I play sometimes, too, and itā€™s pretty awesome.

Starting at just $199,500.


This is the Quest destroyer theyā€™ve been talking about for years? Holy shit.



I just dont see how you get normal people to use VR.

Itā€™s for games and porn. Things you basically have to do in your own home, and normal people arenā€™t paying $1000+ for.

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I can see normal people using augmented reality.

PokĆ©mon go was 7 years ago and there hasnā€™t been anything even slightly mainstream since.

Maybe it happens, but I dont see it consuming the general public

Not until itā€™s as easy to put on and off as a couple of wireless earbuds.

Apple announced their ar platform today and itā€™s truly amazing. Like seeing the future.

Holy lord, am I taller than he is???

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Wow Chasten fell off


I think itā€™s as simple as tech nerds loving VR and normies thinking itā€™s super fucking weird. Remember those stupid glasses google tried to sell?

That announcement will go down in history like the iPhone. Total game changer. 5 years from now these things will be everywhere. I have not been this impressed my a tech announcement in a decade. Itā€™s a massive leap forward.

Iā€™m down as a ā€œmaybeā€ on this. Price is obviously going to have to come down a ton. And two hours of battery life isnā€™t gonna get it done. External battery pack is unwieldy, but better than making the thing on your face heavier.

But I think I do agree itā€™ll become pretty prevalent at some point.

The Quest is pretty easy. Just put it on and tighten it. Itā€™s wireless unless you want to play Steam VR games. But I see what you mean - these things will get smaller and smaller.



What are people going to use them for? In 90%+ of life situations, people can take out their iPhone and do something with it (even something helpful once in a while). What % of the time will people be able to use these things? I canā€™t carry it in my pocket and throw it on when Iā€™m eating lunch. I just donā€™t get it.

DragonBall Z cosplay?


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