2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Is there a word/meme for when you think a web page has loaded and you go to click on something but it hasn’t really loaded and the instant before you click the layout changes and you click on some ad?


That’s obviously impressive, but I’m still blown away at W’s alleged pace:

The next president, George W. Bush, was not a jogger but an honest-to-God runner. He ran at a six-minute-per-mile pace normally for 3 miles, and there were even fewer agents who could run with him than with President Clinton.

That’s a sub-19 5k!

Sounds like he upped his game from his 1993 marathon performance, which is by no means shabby, but a far cry from that type of 5k pace

George W. Bush ran in the Houston Marathon at age 46 in 1993, finishing with the time of 3 hours, 44 minutes, 52 seconds.[5]

Houston Marathon - Wikipedia.

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Again, re: W,

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I bet the Germans have something for it. Probably like 30 letters long haha



The phone smasher?

The Germans don’t have one, but we can easily make one up: Internetseitenladeverzögerungsärger.


It exists now–Google translate says so


When I was 22 in Uni I broke my shin/tore all my ankle ligaments playing soccer.

Think I was “supposed” to have physio 3x a week for months, just impossible




In the meantime, Meta Quest 3 is coming out this fall for $499.

I legit thought that Vision Pro price was not real.

Apple’s page for it doesn’t even touch on gaming so they’re banking on people buying this dorkmachine to use as their daily computer?

Looks like the Newton, G4 Cube, and iPod HiFi have a new challenger for dumbest Apple device.

It has some interesting features, but still.

People on Reddit convinced THIS IS IT



I have owned an Oculus Quest 2 for the past two years and have enjoyed playing virtual ping pong on occasion. I have not once considered logging on the the “Metaverse” nor has a single person in my life suggested that I do so. AM I missing anything?