2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Like NMW said, these aren’t really pullups. They’re kipping pullups. It’s like a completely different exercise.

I’m not as worried about the pullups as I am the pushups. For those that aren’t aware, you can use kipping, i.e. rhythmically gyrating your hips to generate force and use that momentum to kick yourself up to the pullup bar, and technically this counts as one pullup in crossfit. For me the concern would be pushups. If you do a lot of consecutive pushups and your triceps are getting to the point of “muscle failure” , good luck. Your triceps are just little tiny muscles and won’t be able to recover. Crossfit HQ hasn’t figured out a way to kip a pushup yet, fortunately.

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Well, when you describe it like that, it sounds like a skill worth developing.


What if you’re a white guy and you can only gyrate your hips with no rhythm?


The other device is the completely farfetched misunderstandings. What Frasier was built on.

I watched sitcoms like Frasier to try to learn and understand social interaction. It’s got to be at least 50% responsible for me being so fucked up


Tell me you didn’t watch 90s Nick at Nite




Sup mayor pete


Zuck ran a 5k in less than 20 minutes the other week, which isn’t easy to do. He seems to be in pretty good cardiovascular shape at least

It’s got to be so much easier to be in good shape when you’re a billionaire. You can work out with a personal trainer every single day, you can get massage therapy and stretch therapy after every single run, etc. Even just being affluent enough to work out with a good trainer once a week and get a massage or physio every few months when something hurts made a huge difference for me.


Not just that, you can disappear for 2 hours a day no problem. Good luck with that as a worker bee with a spouse and kids.

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That’s a factor, but I know lots of people in my middle management sphere that work out every day. But we do stuff like run before or after work or squeeze in some resistance training or a pilates class around other obligations.

That’s a factor…but still not as easy as being a multi-billionaire owner.

Good for him, but color me not really impressed. More impressed w you and your coworkers obv. Zuck prolly just jealous of Bezos and doing ego-bullshit.

Zuck is a fucking psycho and one of the most evil people on the planet.

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Posting pictures of your 5 year olds doing push ups and claiming that this is some kind of annual family tradition to honor veterans every memorial day is just one more sign this guy has no social skills or common sense and is just super fucking creepy.

“C’mon girls. Look at Daddy doing push ups. You do them too.”

Right. In no universe is Zuck honoring anyone here, he’s doing standard asshole narcissist stuff.

I honestly think that you could pick about half the guys I knew in my early twenties and we were all so socially underdeveloped that if you gave any of them a billion dollars they’d be just like Zuck. You can’t give an adolescent dude practically infinite resources and impunity and expect that person to turn out to be a well developed adult, and the fact is that a huge % of guys are functionally adolescent into their mid twenties. Zuck owns his terribleness of course, don’t get me wrong. But the damage people like him do would be severely curtailed by just taxing the shit of billionaires so they can’t just incinerate resources doing stupid shit like inventing virtual reality realms full of Nazis without legs.


Also hgh, aderall, testosterone, stem cell treatments, Alzheimer’s limitless drug, etc

He’s probably gets daily transfusions of oxygenated Nepalese Sherpa blood flown in from Everest base camp for all I know.