2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I don’t remember a bunch of lying, examples plz

Monica and Chandler did a whole season or so lying about being together. That’s the first that pops to mind. I’m sure fans of the show could rattle off a bunch.

Not sure lying about being together makes them pathological liars

Monica and Chandler lying about being together, as mentioned. Then Joey found out but had to lie to everyone else. Then Rachel found out and had to lie to everyone else. Then Phoebe found out and lied to Chandler that she was hot for him to suss him out. Then Chandler lied back that he was hot for her.

Rachel lied to Phoebe that the table she got at Pottery Barn was actually an antique (with made up details), then lied about all the other furniture she bought at Pottery Barn, then doubled down when Phoebe saw the table at Pottery Barn and said Pottery Barn stole the idea from their antique table.

Joey lied that he had a Porsche to get girls.

Ross lied to Rachel that he had their marriage annulled.

When Chandler wanted to propose to Monica, he lied and said he wasn’t into marriage at all, so she’d be surprised.

Joey lied to everyone that he still had a job on the movie in Vegas.

Rachel and Ross lied to each other about not having feelings dozens of times.

Chandler lied to Janice and said he was being transferred to Yemen.

Ross lied to Isabella Rosselini that she was on his celebrity hall pass list.

Monica lied about putting a bump on Ben’s head.

Chandler lied about kissing Joey’s sister.

Ross lied about the copy girl when they were on a break.

Ross lied about dating the 20-year-old to his work and her father.

Monica lied to her parents about Richard.

Ross lied about reading Rachel’s letter.

Chandler lied about being in love with Joey’s girlfriend, then lies about kissing her.

Phoebe impersonated a police officer.

Chandler lied about making Monica a mix-tape for Valentines Day.

Rachel lied to get out of running with Phoebe.

Rachel told Ross’ girlfriend she should shave her head bald so that Ross won’t want her anymore.

Joey tried to dupe multiple into thinking they broke his refrigerator so he can get $400 out of them.

That’s just a few seasons. Every episode usually has multiple levels of deception going on at any given time.


You’ve been out there and tried to mix with those animals…

A few more that stood out to me:

Rachel lying about her assistant being gay (and then about Phoebe being gay) so they wouldn’t get together.

Rachel trying to sabotage Ross’ relationship with Julie by lying and saying he should refuse to have sex.

And probably the worst lie - Chandler lying to his mentally disabled roommate about them ever living together so he could kick him out and have Joey move back in.

TIL that Friends is a show about liars.


If I wake up and my roommate is in my bedroom watching me sleep, I’ll do whatever it takes to get him out of the house asap.

Also when Phoebe had actually moved out of Monica’s place but lied that she was still living there.

It’s just the way they breezily lie about little, big and medium things - like pathological liars, who lie even when they don’t really need to.

Florida beaches ruined for June/July for the third year in a row (assuming you want to go into the water)

Oh what a tangled web we weave…

The lies and trying to avoid getting caught and eventually getting caught is a very standard and not very good device for comedy. It was like every I Love Lucy and Three’s Company episode.



God I hate Zuckerberg. He does the Murphy challenge every year with his daughters to honor veterans? I just really wish someone snaps his neck in the Octagon.

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Tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old.

When a commenter on Facebook wrote that 100 pull ups “is a brutal outlier,” the Meta boss replied: “Yeah, although that last mile run when your legs are torched from the squats and your heart rate is pegged is pretty brutal too…”

When another commenter on Facebook noted that Zuckerberg’s time would “rank among the top 200, of over 20,000 participants,” the tech mogul clarified: “There are a few different ways people do this.”

“I did a partitioned Murph with a bunch of sets with smaller reps of each alternating. Still challenging, but my Rx time would be a lot slower.”

That prompted one commenter to reply: “So you didn’t really do it is what you are saying.”

100 pull-ups immediately sticks out, like how many people do you know who could do 100 pull-ups in one go? When he gets the tough questions like “did you really do this?” or “are the metaverse chode bodies even going to have legs?” the answer is always no.

I’m all for “Fuck the Zuck” but I don’t think this is a valid argument. Zuck and the commenter are completely wrong that the Rx version of the workout is to go through each lift until completion, then moving onto the next. Splitting up the bodyweight movements like this helps ensure you don’t go to muscle failure and can keep moving efficiently. I’d bet nearly every one of those finishing in the top 200 partitioned the work up similarly. So, he still did the workout , assuming he did all of those reps.

Here’s the workout:

w/ 20lbs weighted vest
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

I didn’t click the article, but here’s the workout he likely did:

w/ 20lbs weighted vest
1 mile run
20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
1 mile run

I’m guessing we don’t know anyone who can do 100 pull-ups in one continous set, that seems like jt would be out of reach for like 99.9999% of people

Had a friend who was big into crossfit and they would do it this exact way. I’m pretty sure almost everyone does it like that

Yeah I guess the confusion here was people thinking there’s some extreme, true “Rx” way to do it.

“The most hardcore is called Rx and those people do the 100 pull ups, then 200 push ups, and then the 300 squats sequentially,” Zuckerberg wrote.

He does say he didn’t do it that way, after getting the questions. Kind of a silly thing for me to get irritated at Zuck for, considering all the other hideous shit he’s done. He can still fall in a sewer.

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Kipping ldo