2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Christ, portions in America get larger every time I go back.

i was thinking maybe Cheesecake Factory could compete but the highest i saw was around 160 g. Dairy Queen doesn’t even list sugar on their nutrition info page wtf.


It was the 333g of carbs for me.

aka 22 pieces of bread.

What is a subversive? Someone who doesn’t think all cops are bastards, but does enjoy trolling?

Here? A subversive would be someone that sneaks an “ACAB” onto the art of a police cruiser. Them trying to Brady Bunchify the ACAB doesn’t diminish my amusement that a cop car is driving around with ACAB on it.




Even a loaf of French bread is only 210g of carbs.

Is seems possible that the forgeries themselves will end up staying valuable just because of the novelty of the crime.


Yeah but who eats just one of them at a time? Thats how they get you!

So did the pitch for Friends go something like: “Six very attractive white twenty-somethings living in NYC who are so close they’re like family. Oh yeah, and they’re all pathological liars.”

Could that pitch BE any pithier?


Oh. My. God.

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I heard somewhere the pitch was Seinfeld, but with people who were more attractive and nicer to each other.

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Bless your heart you look like you’ve been vaccinated

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It’s not just the constant lying that drives every episode’s plot, it’s that they’re all so good at coming up with good, creative lies on the spot. Only pathological liars can do that.

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I remember the lies as often (but not always) being terrible and the kinds of things only a super gullible person would believe.

I don’t remember the lying, what’s an example

I’m pretty allergic to crab, I’ll experiment on this one.

When my wife was having a hard time putting on weight she would get a BR double chocolate shake. Never ate the whole thing though

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