2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



Zoom in….


Uh that isn’t trolling. I wonder if that kind of misunderstanding explains some of the UP problems over the years.

Just as he came not to be served, but to serve, I just delivered a pack of condoms

Homie came out shirtless, and I was all aiiight smiling




  1. Refuse treatment for tuberculosis

  2. Profit

I would eat this:


Mother of god

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A shake shouldn’t even be considered a shake unless it has more than half a pound of sugar in it so that one’s doing things right.

I was surprised by the 13g of fiber. I’d have pounded the under on 10.

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Hotel Rwanda but the American execs didn’t give a shit and things were a lot worse

What Total also did, in employing drunk soldiers and security advisers who failed to sound a timely alarm, closing its gates to fleeing civilians, and locating its worker camps outside Afungi while its principal contractor relocated inside, was to show that, as long as it was protected, it didn’t feel responsible for anyone else. Total employed the very people it would later exclude to build the very structures that would later exclude them. Outside its fences and beyond the few hundred people who worked for Total or CCSJV, Total’s lack of interest seemed to extend to everyone: the thousands of people in Palma who worked for it and the tens of thousands of people whom its presence put at risk. “We worked for Total,” Nick said. “Our reason for being up in Palma was we were supplying offices and accommodation for Total.” Wes echoed the point. “Surely, in that situation, especially since we’re all working under the project, someone should be obliged,” he said.

Again, Total’s human-rights consultants agreed. The company had a moral and legal duty to protect others, LKL had said. The decision to operate in a war zone came with “heightened expectations for HRDD [human rights due diligence].” The 2020 report highlighted, several times, how Total had a responsibility in Palma to protect “right to life, liberty and security of the person” and how that obligation was written into international law. Lest there be any doubt, it specified that Total’s duty of care covered contractors and subcontractors and extended to “Project-affected communities.” It also made clear that the buck stopped with Total. While contractors and subcontractors had obligations of their own related to the workforce, “the Project ultimately has the lead role,” the advisers wrote.

The moment the first shot was fired, Total dispensed with obligations and leadership. By refusing a part in any rescue, it also closed its eyes to how, as a $129 billion company worth roughly ten times Mozambique’s GDP, with all the men and equipment for an evacuation just minutes away, it was in a unique position to conduct one. “Personnel-carrier-type choppers, all those troops, an airport, and aviation fuel less than a five-minute flight to where we were,” Nick said. “I’m sure if Total had picked up the phone to the government there and said, ‘Listen, you guys need to get some people over there ASAP…’” The unavoidable conclusion, Tobias said, was that Total had the ability and resources to save people but didn’t. “Every single person that died that day,” he said, “every drop of blood that was spilled, is on Total’s hands.”

Asked to respond, Total declined to address any specific allegation.


That cropped out the best part, circled here in red:


There is shellfish in there? Like living maybe?


Apparently they use seaweed as a binding agent, and you can’t get all the little crusty (get it) bits out?

That’s if that picture is real and if that explanation is real



Sorry to all the True Activists ™ I offended by posting the tweet.

Jesus fuck


In your defence I also read it as subversive and not reactionary. I think subversives are still allowed to get a kick from it, given that this appropriation isn’t commonly known. Bit of a backfiring strategy on their part, not a failure on ours.

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Im not sure ive ever seen a single serving of anything have more than 263 grams of sugar

This is a 32 oz shake lol. That’s not a serving, that’s an eating contest. I assume you get a Basken Robins T-shirt or something if you can finish this in an hour.

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