2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I believe that’s Andrew Tate.

These are the only two I can’t place.

Rogan looks like he’s about to jump over the table at Elon. Trump looks like he’s ripping one.

Guy on the left is David goggins I think? Was on rogans show a bunch and has big online following. He likes to run a lot.

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JADA SMITH -------------frasier crane-------------CUTLAAAAAAAHH

I thought “wait” meant waitlist on the poker game they’re playing. They’re all ridiculously dumb grifters, so EV is close to 10 million

They’re not playing poker. They’re blabbing about important man stuff.

Thought that was Jordan Peterson not Lincoln.

JP and Lincoln are there, Lincoln’s just presenting his Booth side to the viewer.

I was traveling for work yesterday over in Naples and went to lunch at a place called Seed to Table. When I paid, the tip prompt came up but almost immediately went to the next screen. I told the cashier that I wanted to leave her a tip, and she said, don’t worry about it, the house keeps the tips people leave on their cards. Unfortunately I didn’t have any cash so I apologized, but she said no worries. Anyway, I didn’t know that was a thing. Fuck that company.

In this economy, why would anyone work as a server for a place that steals their tips?

In most jurisdictions it’s illegal for the shop or any managers to take any part of tips. They have to 100% pass through to employees.

There’s a ton of illegal ways to steal from employees. It dwarfs “real” crime!


During the trial, one of Rebecca’s sisters, Sarah Reilly, testified that Rebecca had previously voiced concerns about her estranged husband, according to KHQA-TV.

Reilly said Rebecca texted her in Sept. 2021, saying: “If something ever happens to me, make sure the number one person of interest is Tim. I am putting this in writing that I’m fearful he will somehow harm me,” the outlet reports.

Detectives got it on easy street


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Anger is like love. The more you dump the more you have.

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