2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

My company is moving me right now, the movers came and packed all my shit up on Friday. They will deliver it at my new house sometime between June 5 and June 15, lol.


I notice you didn’t say which year


I’m afraid to ask. The packer was supposed to show up from 9-11 and the driver was supposed to be there a few hours later. The packer showed up at 3:30 and the driver at 10:30 at night. I was like OK I’m going to the hotel, what do I need to sign. I signed a bunch of shit and then went to bed, when I went back the next morning all my shit was gone, hopefully on a truck or something. I have no idea when they finished.

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for the only move i ever made it was really easy to sell furniture on craigslist for half of what i paid.

Probably just NK being dicks again.






Homophonics worked for me!


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Stoller must have missed the part of the article (the main part) where car dealers are going to fight against EVs because it cuts into their rent seeking.

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I liked this article about Berkeley and the new housing. Its understandable to be nostalgic for what was but in the end you have to recognize that it has to change

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Do we still have a TrumpTruthBot?

I just got an unsolicited Walmart Money Card in my name (with my name and number on the back) through Green Dot bank. Apparently this is a common scam where they file a tax return or unemployment claim in your name, deposit it to the card, then change the address and get a new card so they can withdraw the money.


And of course I can’t report this on Walmart Money Card site because I haven’t activated the card yet. Most common scam in the world and they have no way to report it. Because they don’t fucking care.

I’m pretty sure this is related to my car getting broken into, where I basically know the name and address of the guy (or at least the guy who tried to write two bad checks with my checkbook that was in the glove box) and the cops won’t do jack shit of course. I even know the bank he used to cash the bad checks (they didn’t clear, I had frozen my account), but only because the BofA support person screwed up and gave me a clue. But of course it’s an online bank with literally no way to contact them if you’re not a customer.

The modern world just sucks ass and is getting worse all the time.

Yep I’m terrified now:

I didn’t get any mail for a bunch of days in a row last week, maybe all week. I thought it was really weird. I guess if the scammer had my mail forwarded (but mistimed getting the credit card they had applied for in the mail), I would have gotten a change of address notification. I do check my mail and 95% of the time would notice that. But it’s possible it slipped through the cracks, or my notoriously inconsistent post office just didn’t send it.

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Holy shit that’s terrifying

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That was a lot of money back when the law was written


I found this interesting.

This was my favorite part. I never knew this happened. Just imagining it is hilarious:


Someone should do a documentary on the various people who quit bands before they hit it big.

“Tell me something interesting about yourself”

I was in Green Day, but I decided to go to college instead.


This video is pretty crazy. First of all, thank god it wasn’t a bunch of black kids beating up the marines, or it would be blowing up the derpysphere. As is I’m gonna guess it’s gotten some play since it happened in Cahhhhliforrrrnia.

But also, wtf - there are 4 marines and 2 of them wind up on the ground in the fetal position getting hit and kicked by a bunch of kids? Where are the other 2? What about never leaving a man behind? Can you imagine the hell they’re going to catch from their fellow marines over that?

And holy cow if someone in a crowd sucker punches you, never go charging into the middle of that crowd to go after them. Gotta remember that one.

I imagine some crazy shit led up to this. The marines look pretty drunk.