2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

If only they were five year olds.

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I teed that one up for you.

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Haven’t read the article or watched the video, just gonna guess that the marines started it. How’d I do?

Edit: answer “unclear”

It is unclear what occurred between the two groups before the video started recording. In an interview Tuesday morning, Orange County Sheriff’s Sargeant Mike Woodruff said fireworks might have been involved.

Hard to tell since the clips are very selective. Basically we see a kid slap a marine in the back of the head and then the marine goes full Hulk charging in and throwing punches. Then we see two of them in the fetal position on the ground for some reason. Almost looks fake, but probably these guys were super drunk from the looks of things.

Yea I’m gonna guess some drunk marines decided to tell some kids what to do and the kids didn’t take kindly to it

Probably everyone is an asshole, but the drunk marines certainly escalated things from what we see. Also they are adults, so.

Retire the meme



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Story is they told some kids to stop shooting fireworks. Video shows them walking away and an 85lb 14 year old kid tries to hit and barely touches a fully grown man who then chases and grabs him. A bunch of other 85lb 14 year olds then attack the fully grown man.

They’re all assholes obviously.

My family members keep getting strep throat the past couple months, and now there are apparently national shortages of some of the antibiotics used to treat it

the twitters was saying they were drinking with a bunch of minor kids on the beach and got shut down from hitting on the teen girls and responded predictably…

that’s just random twitter shit, but sounds way more plausible than they were minding their own business and got jumped by a bunch of highschoolers because they were marines or some shit…

My money is definitely on this. Supposedly the kids were setting off fireworks and the marines didn’t like it.

That would explain why the girls were so pissed in the video.

Marines should stick to murdering homeless people on the subway, IMO.


Marines love to hate fireworks and celebrations on Memorial Day. It triggers their insecurities disguised as PTSD. Their whole identity is based around the probable lie that they’ve seen some shit, man, and the fireworks remind them of gunshots and Memorial Day should be a somber reflection of the veterans who died in service. Add in some teenagers who don’t understand any of that and it’s the perfect storm to allow them to flex their imagined superiority.


I know you’re trying to be edgy and cool, but this just makes you sound ignorant.

I believe d10 was in the Army and this is a bit of rivalry.





I was in the Army but it’s not a rivalry thing, Army vets have the same issues. Actually it’s an observation based more on Army vets, I just assume Marines are similar. It wasn’t meant to be edgy.

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