2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I wouldn’t drink 180 proof gin, if my goal was to get as drunk as quickly as possible and all liquor was 40 proof. Drinking 0 proof gin seems like an issue.

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Gin is good. Tastes like pine trees and Christmas.

Or like an old shoe that has been relegated to putting out cigarettes.

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I like gin, a lot of these new hipster gins are more botanical based and don’t taste like pine needles (but I like a traditional dry gin for some stuff)

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I think the hardest part is drinking the alcohol free stuff as its own thing. I could see a lot of stuff tasting incredible if I knew it wouldn’t get me drunk. I love the bite of that first taste of whiskey, the smooth burn down my throat, the lingering flame as it settles past my chest…

So good. But it comes at the cost of getting drunk or worse.

There’s some real subtle similar pleasures if you are or were a smoker and wanna try out a flavored vape pen that contains no other chemicals besides flavor.

Feels kinda pointless if the substance high was the point, but as its own thing, pretty good!


We now have all-non-alcoholic breweries.

Thanks all. We’re not shipping much but it’s worth more than the cost to ship it.

One advantage of PODS is we can take our time crossing the country, since the storage is baked in. I didn’t consider full service movers but maybe it’s worth it at that price. I’ll check out U-pack too. Ty

There’s always been alcohol free beer, but now it doesn’t completely suck!

No negronis?

Drove a uhaul from Tennessee to Washington.

It fucking sucks. Pay the price if you are able.

Pride weekend in two weeks gonna be all kinds of awkward.

At least when we moved, it was much cheaper to pay someone to load a uhaul, and then another someone to unload it, driving the truck ourselves in between, than it was to use Pods, by quite a bit. No needing to trust potentially shady movers. Your shit is in your possession the whole time, and the move happens on your schedule.


If someone near me was moving to California, what would be a reasonable price to charge them to drive a UHaul as far as Vegas, with them flying out to meet me to drive the rest of the way? Assume I could make it in two days with spending a night somewhere.

1K + expenses.

I could be way off. I spent about 3s thinking about it.

This was how I did it for a previous move of 130 miles, and it’s my plan for an upcoming move of 10 miles. I would never want to drive a uhaul cross country though. It’s slow, it’s uncomfortable, and it requires constant focus with the lack of cruise control and probably questionable alignment and just the usual added complexities of driving a heavily loaded truck.

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This is my biggest hang-up. After seeing $5700 for PODS vs $3500+ for Uhaul, I’m thinking that it might be worth the extra money to not have to deal with driving that thing. Still have some research to do

Partner and I did New England to SoCal last summer using PODS. It was so much more convenient than a U-HAUL.

  • Didn’t have to stress about driving a big truck.
  • Allowed us to enjoy seeing the country.
  • Easy long term storage when it arrived at the destination. This was a big one for us, because we didn’t know where we were going to live. Our stuff stayed in storage for almost 3 months until we found a home.

All in, cost was negligibly higher than doing a U-HAUL ourselves. But WAY less stressful.

We used a couple movers (on the way out) that were sourced through PODS. They were fine. Did the job for fairly cheap. Literally just carried all the boxes and furniture into the unit and organized it all in the most optimized way.

We were worried about space in the POD, biggest fear being that we’d go to move everything into it and not have enough space. So we sold a LOT of stuff on FB Marketplace. Ended up having a ton of room in the POD. From my experience, the POD is way bigger than you think it’ll be, mostly because it can be packed so efficiently.

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Very interesting.