2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Same energy as the “don’t have kids” bros:

The mother, Crystal Robertson, told police she had to lock the refrigerator because the children were “‘stealing’ everything and referred to the children as ‘garbage disposals with legs,’” according to the affidavit.

“Caged rats”!?

So they were pets, presumably, rather than being part of an infestation. Is this just lazy journalism?

Normally when you see these stories the kids are in cages and the rats run free.


maybe they’re scientists doing important medical experiments and they were forced to work from home to care for their seven kids

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LOL Princeton.

Despite all my rage, these are still just rats in cages.


Average age of the three “expert” panelists looks like about 80.

Imagine waiting years for a major reunion, traveling across the county for a week long party, then deciding to spend your time at a propaganda event sponsored by the campus conservatives.

Motherfucker’s name is Cyrus Fogg Bracket like he’s a character in a Mark Twain story.



Would you rather the rats be running free. It’s never enough for the woke mob.

(AI just tried to correct woke mob to wine mob, because that makes so much more sense)



It’s speeding ahead in aptitude and attitude.

My son sent this to me this morning.

Why do restaurants in the USA close so early? Why can’t we have London hours where stuff closes at midnight or Asian hours where stuff opens 24 hours? It is fucking depressing.


This used to bother me a lot when I was younger. Now that I’m an old, it’s less of an issue. However, just last month I was at a place with an 8:30 reservation. A couple of people in our party were running late. At 840 the server comes over says that we need to get our orders in because they stop taking orders at 845, their kitchen closes at 9, and the restaurant closes at 10. I had been there before late and never run into this. Apparently the new hours started a few months ago.

Sydney has the same issue. A lot of places that used to be open later no longer do it since covid. Some of the more famous late restaurants like Golden Century didn’t survive covid.

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NobOdY wAnTS To WoRk

nobody wants to work (at restaurants (because the management sucks and customers (particularly in the USA #1) also suck))

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