2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I remember this, Tim Cook paid the band tons of money and so he could give Songs of Innocence to Apple customers for free. People were upset because they thought it was creepy and intrusive to have music they didn’t ask for auto-downloaded. A smaller group was upset because the album cover was “gay propaganda”.

It’s too bad because the controversy overshadowed what was imo a pretty good record.

Blimey. I haven’t listened to them in a long while but I’d guess a lot of Automatic… still works much as it did.

A friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend over the U2 album on iTunes.

He thought she had paid to download it on his account and refused to admit it. Which he thought was a really weird thing to do and a red flag.



She dodged a bullet


Yeah wtf


REM are 80-90s Fallout Boy

Madonna is 80s Avril Lavigne

R.E.M. > U2

Depends on your feelings about emo boyz vs potato slangers



Lol lobbyists

Nah. It’s not radio-friendly, but anyone who’s curious about the Beatles is surely going to give the White Album a listen. Ironically, I bet a lot of their early hits that put them on the map are now relatively obscure.

In the shadow, boy meets buff.

Absolutely. He is not a catch.

That‘s basically what I meant by „semi obscure“. If someone just knows a der songs by the Beatles, I would ecpect it to be something like Hey Jude, Let it Be or Yesterday.

She should have broken up with him for being an Apple slappy

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Apple user instant proposal :heart_eyes:

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: