2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

:thinking: Economics is an inexact science?


Ok, downloaded router settings, reset to factory default, then uploaded the settings. Fingers crossed. Still doesn’t seem to like it when I try to login to the config page via wifi. Was able to do it before the reset when connected via ethernet.

I think next step is see if there is an update to the firmware available on the Asus site.

Yup, that’s my next step.

EDIT: Looks like I hadn’t updated the firmware since shortly after I installed the router. I don’t think that has anything to do with the problem, but it’s still a good idea to update it. The tricky part about this issue is that it’s not consistent or easily to replicate. I’ll just have to wait to see if a device in the house loses internet while still being connected to the wifi network.

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D*ck Cheney obituary :vince2:





Alex Strenger QAnon LGBTQ
Alex QAnon





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I wish I looked that good in that outfit

Whenever I have any issue with my Asus router (which is rare) updating firmware always fixes it immediately.

If anyone is looking for one, I have an RT-AX86U, love it one of my best purchases over the last few years. The app is terrific.

That’s the one I have. It’s been great until this recent problem. I’m hopeful, though, as everything seemed ok yesterday (unless a device I didn’t look at had an issue).

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There was a thread on 2+2 a long time ago for people to post about pregnancies and the births of their kids. The guy who started it kept a running list of additions and upcoming additions to the “2+2 family.”

I posted about both my kids in that thread.

As of a few minutes ago, their school years ended and now they are both officially high schoolers. Jesus.





Onion then referred me to a listicle “Things Never to Say to a Tom Brady Fan”



Footage of building collapsing in a fire in Sydney today. I don’t think anyone was injured.

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But that hasn’t stopped Lance Lamberton, president of the Cobb County Taxpayers Association, from proclaiming that any sort of expansion will lead to further “urbanization” of a county with over 770,000 residents.

“I strongly want to see Cobb maintain its suburban character,” Lamberton said.

Pamela Reardon, a Marietta real estate agent, told commissioners that residents don’t want MARTA because it will “increase our crime.”

“Democrats concentrate in urban areas because they want to be amongst their own kind, which is fine,” Lamberton said during the May 6 meeting at the Cobb County GOP headquarters in Marietta. “But I like to be amongst my own kind in a suburban county like Cobb County. … This is what the transit tax will do: it will further urbanize the county; it will create a demographic tsunami in Cobb County to the point where we will never ever, as the Republican Party, ever be able to recapture the majority on the Board of Commissioners.

“We might become DeKalb County. Is that a pleasant thought?”

I am reminded of this:

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“I like to be amongst my own kind”


