2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

If police say it, Ikes says it


DeSantis endorsement is probably more of a liability than an asset at this point.

Just wanted to share a nickname for Moms for Liberty I recently read: Klan Karenhood


It really is strange how impossible it can be for a person to leave an impossibly BAD relationship. Trauma bonds and co dependency are tough to escape.


Better or worse than a trump endorsement at this time iyo

Jacksonville elects a democratic mayor, thus leaving the Biggest city with a republican in charge to fort worth.

only fort worth and OKC left in the top 20, i believe.

I mean I say ‘still though’, clearly skeptical of the threat being true. Also saying it’s unequivocal that there was no knife doesn’t disagree with what I said of it at all. Bully someone else.

That’s interesting. Fort Worth is not very red compared to the surrounding areas (outside the metroplex), I could see a democratic mayor here one day.

As a pellet smoker owner (green mountain grill - traegerish but better)

I can get decent smoke flavor but it takes a long time at a fairly low temp, 190ish, and a smoke tube .

I’ve recently discovered the smoke/sous vide/smoke method and highly recommend it for brisket.

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A sweet deal if you can get it.

Holmes’s lawyers have been fighting her conviction on grounds of alleged mistakes and misconduct that occurred during her trial. They have also contended errors and abuses that biased the jury were so egregious that she should be allowed to stay out of prison while the appeal unfolds — a request that has now been rebuffed by both Davila and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Balwani, 57, began a nearly 13-year prison sentence in April after being convicted on 12 counts of fraud and conspiracy last July. He was incarcerated in a Southern California prison last month after losing a similar effort to remain free on bail while appealing his conviction.



Basically this but:

Smoke until the bark is the color you like. Sous vide according to Kenji, cool it down to sub 100, then smoke again until the bark firms up.

I did 6 hours smoke, about 24 hours sous vide, and about 3 hours smoke on s couple of shitty corned beefs that ended up coming out excellent.

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Browing an online auction, this seems like a heck of a deal.


Houston bar finding insurers adding drag as a huge risk to insure pricing them out of the market.


But churches can get molestation insurance? Not sure if this is onion.

Abuse and Molestation Liability Coverage - Emery & Webb Insurance for Churches

That very well may be a nice course (idk?) but that’s not the Oakmont CC you’re prolly thinking of. If you’re looking for golf auctions to play different clubs check out https://www.memberforaday.com/. Some of the best of the best courses but definitely out of my pay grade.

As an aside - Mrs Cooler and I went to the Open at Oakmont in 2016. They got a ton of rain on the Friday round and it had to get postponed to Saturday. They did an immaculate job moving the rain off the course but onto where all the fans were walking. We saw this one woman who clearly was not prepared, dressed as if she was headed to the Kentucky Derby with a fancy hat/dress/heels. Saw her take a step in the mud, sink to almost knee height, lift her leg but her shoe got stuck in the mud. She made the guy she was with go fish it out. Good times.



Ha. Talking about sexy golf courses got me all hot and bothered that I missed the low hanging fruit.


Without further ado, the 27-foot-long hot dog on wheels will be now known by its new name: the Frankmobile.

The lines have been drawn for the next culture battle!