2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Seen on an 80s IG account I follow. I drove mom’s til the wheels came off literally :joy:


My dad had a company car for decades and it was always an Oldsmobile.

I remember when I was growing up and we needed to rent a car it was always an Oldsmobile. I was legit surprised the few times it wasn’t.

My second car was a 1990 Olds 88. Poor car died of alcoholism. When it finally died in LA I left it on the street for too long and they took it away. I signed the title over in exchange for wiping the tickets. There was still stuff in it I needed so I had to go to a lot south of downtown to clean it out. I did that car so dirty.


I grew up in an Oldsmobile station wagon with the rear facing backseats. That thing was great. I wonder if car companies stopped making rear facing seats because they’re unsafe or they just fell out of style.

Fell out of style, but still available if you get a Mercedes station wagon.

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Well now I’m just gonna have to look into buying a Mercedes and hiring a chauffeur to relive my childhood of sitting in the rear facing seat :smirk:

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We had one of those. Us four boys would fight over who got to sit in the back.

My grandparents had a station wagon where there were seats facing each other (parallel to the road) in the back.

My Dad had a truck like that. The “backseat” consisted of two foldaway jump seats that were mounted under the back windows and aligned perpendicular to the front seats. The worst fights my brother and I ever got in was when he had his growth spurt and his legs suddenly reached from his seat all the way to the other end of the cabin (which, much to my chagrin, was also my lap)

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We had that too, but it was my twin brother and I vs our little sister, so it wasn’t a very fair fight…

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My parents had a station wagon with seats that faced the back in the trunk. I loved those seats

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I would have guessed pitchbot

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Give the kids gun and have them shoot him.

Which is later!
  • 12 noon
  • 12 midnight

0 voters

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Technically midnight because that’s 0:00 the day of but if someone says we’ll meet at midnight on Wednesday I expect that to happen at the end of Wednesday.

i voted the other way, but with ISO 12am of date X comes before 12pm of the same date.

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Lmao, did they mean can’t learn elsewhere?

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