2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Even worse when they visit overseas. When Clinton visited Holland part of his itinerary was known which included travelling by car past Delft. Secret Service was afraid an old bicycle tunnel could be used to plant a bomb so it was checked with radar and then closed off for days. Of course that was the shortcut to my school gone.
Also got stuck when Barack Obama visited Melbourne. Great planning to do that during F1 weekend unless he went to see the race which I don’t think he did.

Clinton spoke at my college back when he was President and my dorm room had a clean line of sight to where he would be entering and exiting the building where he would be speaking. Campus security notified everyone on our side of the building that we should have our blinds down and close our windows for the duration of his visit (and implied that there would be snipers monitoring the windows). I didn’t care, but my roommate was pissed because the first thing she would do after getting home from class was open up the window and smoke a bowl.



Trump visited in 2016. Or maybe it was Pence? I didn’t care except I had to choose a different route to go vote. Whichever it was tried to suppress my vote.

I met both Obama and Biden in 2011 and the security was nonexistent. I mean I’m sure there was stuff hidden but I’m also sure none of it would’ve been effective if it was a different administration and I was more BruceZ inclined. I sat nearly in arms reach of them for hours, I’m certain they didn’t background check me or anything cause they would’ve had no idea I would’ve been there, and I was allowed to leave for the bathroom and return unhindered. Someone at the secret service was probably fired after that event.

You must not look anything like Al Pacino.

I wouldn’t cross the street to meet biden, obama, or harris. I’d go to great lengths to avoid meeting trump or pence


Just left, didn’t feel like sticking around for a picture. There are probably 15-20 SUVs and cop cars still out front blocking an entire street. There were maybe 100 people waiting outside the restaurant hoping for pictures I guess.

In Australia news…

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And was greeted by this ad on the metro on the way home, lol

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You were in the dorms when Clinton was president? And you call yourself old?

Reagan was President when I was in the dorms.

Hilary Clinton spoke at my college when she was First Lady and pushing healthcare reform. I believe this was 1993. Her appearance was during spring break when most people were gone, so my position on the interfraternity council made me enough of a student body representative for me to meet her and sit on the dais when she spoke. I believe a picture of this exists somewhere but I’ve never succeeded in finding it.


What if I told you I was still in undergrad on 9/11?

I’m still old

I met Gore when he was VP. Somewhere I have a photo of me as a teenager shaking his hand. My dad’s childhood friend was on his secret service detail and set up a meet and greet for us when he was visiting the area. The agent also let us check out his limo while we were waiting for the photo op.

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Scrolling through tiktok I have come across 6 live feeds w over 80k combined streamers for Taylor Swift Live Show. I assume that means there are hundreds of thousands of concurrent streams of one of her shows from audience members, at least.

Come on, you can’t pass up the opportunity to ask him what makes a great builder.

Would you be troubled to meet Coolidge or Taft?


Whistle blowin’ ain’t bad work if you can get it. Pretty annoyed they didn’t give any real details.



With something that big I bet internet sleuths can figure it out

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