2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Majority of posters don’t buy shoes apparently?

I’ve worn the same model of New Balance sneakers x10 years. I now just order them through Amazon.


I did not know this.


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Yep just pure nimby-ism. All those working class people who actually live in the neighborhoods with people smoking crack and shooting up in the street and breaking into cars in broad daylight? Fuck em. They should just move to the suburbs where they can safely claim the moral high ground without having to deal with the fallout.


The woman in this story, smoking crack and shooting up in the street, who candidly admits she makes money for drugs shoplifting from Target, and doesn’t want to get clean because she likes her lifestyle, just needs more money and SF to build more affordable housing. Simple problem. Simple solution.

Jessica said her life might seem hard, but it’s actually pretty carefree, and she offered a sweeping explanation of one reason why her mom would face such long odds trying to pull her out of San Francisco.

“The city is way too easy for people with nothing to get by,” she said. “That’s why I’m still here nine years later. You get by with doing drugs and suffer no consequences. I like it here.”

I asked Jessica if she thought she would ever leave San Francisco.

“It’s like a vortex,” she said. “I want to get out of here. But why the f— would I leave here if I have everything I need given to me?

“It might be enabling or it might be keeping you in a cycle, but at least you can survive,” she continued. “That’s better than a lot of places.”

I’m sure none of this is her fault and the last thing that would ever help her is facing any kind of consequence for her actions. Let’s just keep giving her money and enabling her. The working poor who live in her neighborhood can just step over her on the way to their jobs. And shame on them for thinking she should be responsible for any of her own actions.

And with that I’ll be taking a break for a bit. Not trying to be dramatic at all, but people asked about me last time so I’m just letting you know this time. Still love everyone but I need to go in a cave and work on my book for a few months. Last year when I took a break from this and twitter I was twice as productive. I’ll be back for football season. :grin:


Do you know if anyone has suggested practical solutions to exactly what consequences she should face, and who should enforce them? This is a genuine question, not a thinly disguised argument. I sincerely don’t know what the best thinkers in the subject recommend.

Is there an lol religion thread? New Hampshire is one of the least religious places in the country, and I figured what religious people remained were old and tied to their churches. But this church sprung up and grew crazy quickly. Turns out - it was a scam!

Earlier this year, the Roys Report, a Christian media website, detailed how Next Level purchased a house in Dover in 2015 for $495,000. Three years later, it sold the house off-market to Gagnon and his wife for just $250,000. The transaction was signed off by one of Gagnon’s location pastors, Roman Archer.

Then, two and a half years later, Gagnon flipped the 5,000 square foot Dover property for $950,000 – nearly four times what he paid for it in the sale with Next Level Church.

“That is not normal, and is not what I would consider to be a best practice, to put it mildly,” said Smith.

They were collecting $3mm a year, and now it’s shut down.


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Solutions should also take into account the people who live in those neighborhoods. It’s not just about her.

She’s a lost cause as far as I’m concerned. Maybe she’ll figure it out, but if you read the article it sure sounds like she’ll be dead of a fentanyl overdose soon. Maybe some time in prison would actually save her life.

I’m all for helping people who want help and throwing tons of money at that. But policies can’t just assume that everyone wants out of the lifestyle. There should be consequences for addicts who have no desire to get clean, and make life unsafe and hellish for the working class people who live in their neighborhoods.

Maybe it’s because I spent 10 years of my life trying to help someone who wouldn’t help themselves. At some point I realized I was just enabling and actually making the problem worse.

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Her laser focus on her own education and self-improvement seems admirable! SHOULDN’T THAT COUNT FOR SOMETHING?

But seriously, this seems like more than normal drunken obliviousness. Maybe it’s some kind of self-preservation mechanism like her brain simply refuses to accept the magnitude of the circumstances.

Yeah that makes some sense. It would be interesting to have data on outcomes for addicts that go to prison as an intervention vs. some other mechanism.

Women can be narcissistic socipaths too.

No tears for her going to jail for 14 years.

Putting her in jail for 14 years is dumb imo, but whatever far bigger fish out there in that regard.

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Goddamn shoplifters, always stealing HDMI cables and server boxes

Me neither, terrible news. What a talent he is.

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Not a fucking scratch on her. Seeing so much red right now

What is the correct or typical sentence for driving drunk and killing someone? In Canada this is vehicular manslaughter and you can go to prison for life.

What percentage of homeless people would you say have similar ideals?

I was talking with my wife about this the other day. ALL classes of people have their assholes. It does not equate to those classes being full of assholes (unless otherwise proven.)

There are asshole white people, asshole black and brown people, asshole asians, asshole gay guys, asshole gay girls, asshole trans people, asshole religious people, and even asshole homeless. Pointing to an anecdote from an asshole and saying “See, see! Look at all of this, its coming straight from their mouths” will get the same response from me every time.

“Yup, that person is an asshole. Maybe we shouldnt judge an entire group by the fact this person is an asshole.”

Edit: just realized you wont be responding based on the end of your post, which is fine. Lets just call this food for thought. Good luck on the productivity.


you can go to prison for life here too. No idea what’s typical.

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I had the same thought about how representative that person’s perspective is. But I have no basis to argue one way or the other.

One can speculate about this and one can surely find anecdotes that support this, but it’s abundantly clear that prison does not reduce drug addiction in general.


No idea if it is true but there was a Youtube video that said only 2% of the smash and grabbers end up getting arrested. How is that possible with video surveillance? Police are some lazy sobs.