2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



It’s quite stunning how, less than 3 minutes after posting course grades, I’m contacted by students complaining about what they got.

Every semester, my teaching experience is determined by the bottom tail of the distribution. If those ~5-10 students just quietly do poorly throughout the semester, my job is generally fine or even pleasant. But if those students are challenging/demanding/difficult, it can be a bad time. This semester was a bad time.


Will you get fired if you tell them that they are too stupid to get better grades?

Caption: Alex Drago celebrating her decision to attend Indiana University


I can see myself maybe blowing $500 if I got into an Ivy League school or something, but IU?

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I genuinely am curious about where the line is in terms of how rude or nonresponsive I can be in cases like this.

But for your question, it’s not even relevant! I absolutely don’t believe that the complaining students are maxxing out at their capabilities. That’s what makes all of this so frustrating; I am constantly approached by students during the semester asking how they can do better and the answer is always the same: I assign textbook problems each chapter, and I supply detailed solutions to those problems on an Excel spreadsheet that shows each and every calculation. The exams I give feature problems that are very, very similar to those assigned textbook problems. So they should simply make sure that they work through all of those assigned problems (many of which we work through in class) to make sure they understand them.

But sometimes we’ll be 75% through the semester when a student will say, “what assigned problems are you talking about”, or “how can I see the solutions”? It’s only 2-3 students that show this level of apparent helplessness, but man is it draining to deal with.

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I’m sure this is something unique to SF and it actually is shoplifting/crime in SF that is the cause.

Fucking Canadians too.

Also I’m sure this hasn’t been happening before


Seems like a company may be trying to reframe its situation.

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She also got a sprinkle cake with the IU emblem and a custom bomber jacket emblazoned with “Hoosier Daddy.”



i was going to make fun of this, but then i realized i have dozens of shirts and things from my alma mater. but that’s because my mother knows that one thing about me and its the basics of every gift i’ve received for a dozen years.


As the parent of a kid who just went through the college application and selection gauntlet, this is definitely a thing. The entire process is (or can be) such a fiasco - we approached it somewhat differently, but it was hard for my kid watching everybody else get caught up in it.

Many kids do a “decision announcement” in the manner of an athlete. I have to admit my kid had one classmate whose decision I was interested in hearing - this girl got in almost everywhere with full rides. It came down to Stanford vs. Yale and she chose Yale.

I lost it when the cop said “you could care less”.

Typical pig, ACAB, etc., not knowing proper grammar.

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I guess social media pressures young people in to putting on big performative displays for life events like picking a college.

Maybe they allow that kind of frank talk in the Great White North, but down here in Estados Unidos telling a stupid person they’re stupid is a violation of multiple federal and state anti-triggering laws.


Are these events available to attend, and, if so, where would one, hypothetically, purchase admission?

Not knowing how hard to try is a very common form of stupidity. Probably the most common.

nah bro it’s all about the gram. And TikTok.

How long ago was the last time you were in a department store like Nordstrom’s?

  • More than three years ago
  • More than a year ago
  • Six months ago
  • A month ago
  • A week ago
  • I am in one right now

0 voters

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I got a sweatshirt and a hat.

Last time I went to a Nordstrom was pre-pandemic. It was a then relatively new one on “Billionaire’s row” near Central Park, and the stuff there seemed more expensive than a typical Nordstrom. Still open.